Dear managers,
Been thinking about tanking for some time, but have not really done it before.
This season we got off to a really bad trolled start, and I'm conveniently at the 10th position in league, never have I been trolled that badly with the highest quality players

For CL, lost the first 2 games as well (against weaker teams), CUP still doing well.
Average quality of team is 5* (62), with 4 scout players (one of them handicapped who is always having a rating of 5).
Apparently my forte 4-1-2-1-2 ND did not work well this season (call it troll or whatever), I seem to loose against every 3N-2W-3N-2 game, despite ND generally looks like a good counter.
since its just the beginning of the season, I should still be able to tank. Question: Will my OOP, Illegal formation good players still be able to score (don't wanna win the game)? and would this greatly impact their Form? or Future Form for the next season when they play normally?
If I win the CUP and CL I'd still drop off as long as my league is 8th and below?
Thanks in advance.
P/s: I heard about tanking probably in my 2-3 season, in fact I've booked marked July Forth's guide. It wasn't until a few seasons later that I realised he removed that guide, and I didnt get to read it