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Thread: My super team keeps getting smashed by poor teams

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    My super team keeps getting smashed by poor teams

    This season, my teams is by far the best in the team. The rest are 3-4 stars and I have only 5 and 6 star players.
    Yet, this season these are my league results:
    1-5 away vs a 4* team
    1-2 away against a 4* team
    1-3 at home vs a 3* team
    1-5 at home vs a 4* team

    I've lost using decent countertactics and I've lost 5-1 yesterday when I had the exact same formation as my opponent.

    How can I turn things around? I have a win bonus for league games and I have full morale on everyone. What the hell is wrong with this random game?

  2. #2
    Newbie capitaine crochet's Avatar
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    et oui c est normal , nordeus a décidé de te faire perdre car c est nordeus qui manigance tout , il y a plein d exemples comme toi mais tout est normal , mis a part que nordeus triche , c est que de la magouille ici , il faut payer c est tout et encore , même en payant il te roule dans la farine , ça devient vraiment nul a chier , comme tout les jeux qui sont bien au début mais que pour attirer le client et ensuite , il faut acheter pour essayer de s ' en sortir

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    i dont speak french. thanks anyway mate!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lucknow, INDIA
    Please post picture of your team and tactics...Then it will be easy for all of us to HELP you......
    Med78 likes this.

  5. #5
    Rookie TheNameIsYan's Avatar
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    maybe because of your order didnt fit the formation..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  6. #6
    Dreamer HULIANO's Avatar
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    Sometimes you get trolled results. Btw, due to my experience, I think the result is determined in advance, it doesn't matter whether you change the tactics or you watch the game. It's a simple web-based game, so I think the result is run during the last 3 minutes before the match starts.

    I drew 2-2 in the league to a 3* team and lost 3-0 to another team with quality of 4* I guess my run is over, perhaps I won't win anything this season with my mid 6* team
    Last edited by HULIANO; 05-11-2014 at 03:11 AM.

  7. #7
    Dreamer Marc Symons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HULIANO View Post
    Sometimes you get trolled results. Btw, due to my experience, I think the result is determined in advance, it doesn't matter whether you change the tactics or you watch the game. It's a simple web-based game, so I think the result is run during the last 3 minutes before the match starts.

    I drew 2-2 in the league to a 3* team and lost 3-0 to another team with quality of 4* I guess my run is over, perhaps I won't win anything this season with my mid 6* team
    I was just about to say "WOW a tread about losing and noone mentions 'troll results' !! -.- ahhhhhhh !!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
    Please post picture of your team and tactics...Then it will be easy for all of us to HELP you......
    this is hard to do because i have used different formations. I lost 5-0 when using a 4-4-2 against a 4-4-2 for example.
    There is no way that all these crap teams have countered me perfectly.

    Is there any formation I can play that will minimize the risk of these boring losses

  9. #9
    Apprentice Med78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Stemic View Post
    this is hard to do because i have used different formations. I lost 5-0 when using a 4-4-2 against a 4-4-2 for example.
    There is no way that all these crap teams have countered me perfectly.

    Is there any formation I can play that will minimize the risk of these boring losses
    That 4-4-2 beat u because it knows how to play 4-4-2, having done so many times, and ur team wasn't used to that formation and played it badly... U shouldn't counter weaker teams, just play ur game... What is ur formation anyways, the 1 u play the most? U should only counter if opponent is much stronger and if he has players ur normal formation isn't covering and they r a threat.. (Like a bad arse AMC with shadow striker and 6 or 7 stars, then definetly add a dmc and tell him to not hesitate to kill him if needed hahaha)
    So relax and don't change ur formation too often, ull start beating weaker team by far, and also beatin stronger sometimes
    league: won 4, 2nd 3 times
    CL: won 4, finalist 2
    Cup won 3, finalist 1
    Season 9 now, boycotted season 6 bc of the transfer market..
    No buying or farming of tokens or packs, no tanking ever

  10. #10
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