without buying tokens (No money enough )
without buying tokens (No money enough )
Scroll down a little bit and there you'll find a good article from Spornybol
BLAUGRANA FC - The road to success...Team Showcase: http://forum.topeleven.com/team-show...wiss-team.html
7x 4x Runner-ups 3x 1x
what level are you Kaka ??? also what is transfer market like, do you get 80+ player`s on it or the new new donkey market with around 25 player`s ?
Last edited by spornybol; 05-15-2014 at 06:30 PM.
If you get some videos then you have a little chance! its hard not having many tokens but without free booster aswell its near impossible!, I managed to win 6 leagues with just the 35T a season and the odd free token video on FB main page and the odd one on the option on FB on me android phone! so you can do it! I could only substain winning one tropy thought!, I only started getting a very good team when I stumbled across farming tokens a few seasoms ago and that has made my life much much easier.
o`k try and watch as many video`s you can on Facebook ( packs at bottom of page and tokens at top right corner) when they come up you can also go to Top Eleven - Be a Football (Soccer) Manager but stay logged into Facebook but don`t have t11 screen up. and in that you can video`s to right of screen for tokens.
now when you get to level 5 you can sign 4 star player`s 18 to 21 best and bid at last seconds if no bidder`s make sure these player`s are 1 rating away from 5 star normally they need 7 skill point`s to be 1 skill away from 5 star so add the skill to 1 away from next star and wait for bids bids to come in IF NO tokens offered you can either set the token price or cancel offer and wait for new bid i make sure i get at least 2 tokens so i get at least 1 token extra, currently i have a 3 token offer for player i got for one token but set for 5 tokens if they don`t except then i will take offer in last 2 mins and as you go up level you can do same with 3 star player`s as two levels below will see as 5 star,
what i do is keep to 15 player`s for first team and the 7 spot`s use too earn tokens But be SURE to keep 1 spot open for when youth is coming though ( non token one ) as can sell on if need money and this way if only 1 game a day you can play friendlies against lower teams to earn green packs reds are bonus if no booking
Last edited by spornybol; 05-15-2014 at 08:13 PM.