Originally Posted by
Michael Hancock
I am a big fan of top eleven and I'm in my fourth season. My team is doing quite well at the moment (touch wood) but I never seem to have many tokens to bid for better players or speed up builds etc. so I'm sometimes tempted to buy tokens with my real money or get free tokens via tapjoy. This is all very well and good but, to really get any serious tokens from tapjoy you have to spend money on some subscription you don't want or need and it's £70 if you want enough tokens to improve every player and build the best stadium possible. Who can afford £70 these days to throw away for a game on your phone? You May say it's the same for everyone you have the choice to spend your own money in the game if you want to, but here's my problem, some people take it to the extreme spending £100's plus of their real money on making their team the best on the game absolutely unstoppable, having the best stadium etc. I don't think this is fair on the rest of is who simply cannot compete because we can't afford to shell out on tokens, I think there should be a limit to what you can spend in the game so it's fairer for everyone. Maybe it's just me who thinks this, what do you think?