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Thread: The entry for Forum Players' League Season 2 is now open

  1. #1
    VIP pnr8555's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    The entry for Forum Players' League Season 2 is now open

    Main thread:
    Current members: Please do not post here

    The Season 2 of the first ever FPL is coming! If you want to join, you can check the detail on the main thread. The propose of this league is that the forum members can challenge in a league, where you only have 35 tokens each season from TV rights to spend. You can also chat with other members 24/7 as well. This will be fun.

    You need a new FB account to join this league. Once you created account, PM me or July to get added into the league. You do not start T11 until June 1, 2014 at approximately 10:30 ICT (4:30 BST) or you will need to discard that account and create a new one.

    New Entries
    Last edited by pnr8555; 05-17-2014 at 09:20 PM.
