In the 2nd leg away, we only manage a 0:0 draw in a very balanced game, were we had more chances. In any case we are in the next ROUND with the result of 4:1 from first leg.
Guzmán got the MOM, 2 games 2 MOM Awards, not bad for a 29 years old player in His 8th season at the club.
We knew that with the 1:8 loss from 1st leg, CUP was over for this season. In the 2nd leg we scored first by MISIC, but they manage to equalize and after that the game had few chances for both sides.
We are out with a 2:9 in agregate.
2 more teams to go!
Perfect Tactics is now created. Serious playing and PT begins next season.
-Nationality: Denmark
-City: Molde
-Stadium: New Chano Petersen Stadium
-Key Player Name to be signed: Chano Petersen
So this is last updated for the 1st round of CUP before enter CL tomorrow for our teams..
Our Winning 11 (level 8) cleared the 1st round of CUP...advanced on 6-2 AGG...
While Tuan DM FC (level 7) advanced on 4-0 AGG
Both defeated level 9 teams...
Cup: Celtic Rangers follow up their 3-2 home win with a 3-1 victory away. Alan Higgins picks up a goal, 9 and MoM and (enforced) lone striker, new boy Eaglesham, bags 1 goal and 2 assists. Midas McGonnigal is reportedly still drunk from the League Title celebrations - he better sober up quick because there's only 18 players and 3 are injured. O.o
Tottenham FC yesterday suffered a 4-2 defeat in the cup against a team whos quality was 7 points lower!, I had 70-30% possession but he seem to pound me with shots!, trolled on the opening day of the season!
, I took drastic action and replace another 5 first teamers, here is the new 1st team
Today we won 2-0 to take us through on away goals!Hoddle and Waddle got the goals.
We lost 2-1 first round but we won with 3-0 today so we are in next round!
It's your job here to stop all this type of thing from happening, you know.
Your saying this because you do not like me here either.
Everytime he comes on here to attack me whether it's indirectly or directly, when he shouldn't be saying anything about my behaviour.
I come on this forum now to share my experiences on this game and for entertainment and I constantly get criticised for it now. Look what happened to Wiesse and why he left the forums.
Last edited by July Fourth; 06-02-2014 at 04:16 PM.