Threaded View

PricopGeorgeCătălin Season 37 02-09-2013,
09:35 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I will be level 10, I hope I... 02-09-2013,
09:41 PM

Pojacanje 1st in league level 6,
-... 02-09-2013,
09:46 PM

NTNK Zavisi...
send me PM if... 02-09-2013,
10:01 PM

NTNK Ahahahahahahaha...I'm... 02-09-2013,
10:12 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 500 tokens ready for the new... 02-09-2013,
10:20 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just sold my last player... 02-09-2013,
10:52 PM

July Fourth Whats happened here??? Youve... 02-09-2013,
11:02 PM

Spyros CANT WAIT TO GO SHOPPING... 02-09-2013,
11:22 PM

dv8r Is anyone here up for a... 02-09-2013,
11:29 PM

Jasper949 You guys sound really hard... 02-09-2013,
11:34 PM

July Fourth I'm waiting here patently for... 02-10-2013,
12:00 AM

July Fourth Level 15
$700 million (will... 02-10-2013,
12:06 AM

July Fourth I think I need to introduced... 02-10-2013,
12:20 AM

July Fourth We are opening up our doors... 02-10-2013,
01:00 AM

July Fourth Thats my signature changed... 02-10-2013,
01:43 AM

dalaur For this new season,
I've... 02-10-2013,
01:55 AM

July Fourth Thats it - Server Maintenance... 02-10-2013,
02:01 AM

July Fourth Anybodys server back up yet? 02-10-2013,
03:40 AM

Nampion Chancy Nop..... Waiting for good... 02-10-2013,
03:49 AM

eninefx This season, I will be... 02-10-2013,
04:02 AM

paoki023 here its 6.12 am the past 3... 02-10-2013,
04:14 AM

July Fourth 4.15 am and its still in... 02-10-2013,
04:15 AM

xanty2013 same here :( 02-10-2013,
04:17 AM

July Fourth Once it re-opens I will edit... 02-10-2013,
04:19 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Server is still down :) I... 02-10-2013,
04:41 AM

paoki023 till 3 seasons ago they did... 02-10-2013,
04:45 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I was thinking it will be at... 02-10-2013,
04:49 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Server is on! 6:50 02-10-2013,
04:54 AM

July Fourth Solomon Blais is transfer... 02-10-2013,
04:56 AM

July Fourth can't believe it like... no... 02-10-2013,
05:13 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin The battle for the first... 02-10-2013,
05:25 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nice player :) 02-10-2013,
05:28 AM

July Fourth All these generated players... 02-10-2013,
05:33 AM

July Fourth All the generated Strikers... 02-10-2013,
05:54 AM

July Fourth LOL...
... 02-10-2013,
06:11 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just 100M left... aaaaaaaaaa 02-10-2013,
06:19 AM

July Fourth Lets stick to the rules...
... 02-10-2013,
06:29 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 1887
First transfer this... 02-10-2013,
06:33 AM

July Fourth Let's sign Ivor Hardy... :D 02-10-2013,
06:53 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I'm so stupid really..... I... 02-10-2013,
07:26 AM

Adel Gamal I'll be / I'm now level 13.
... 02-10-2013,
07:34 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 1890
3rd transfer :) 02-10-2013,
07:46 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Adel, yes I am very lucky man... 02-10-2013,
08:02 AM

fsilva1989 Hi everyone,
Fc Porto
2nd... 02-10-2013,
08:16 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Some old transfer from FC... 02-10-2013,
08:30 AM

Pojacanje Cross finger So I sell all... 02-10-2013,
08:59 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin & Cătălin just left the club... 02-10-2013,
09:05 AM

July Fourth Shall we sign Misanka? 02-10-2013,
09:11 AM

dv8r Perfect Tactics have... 02-10-2013,
09:23 AM

walney Found it!!! 02-10-2013,
09:29 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin oh :))
press print screen... 02-10-2013,
09:32 AM

July Fourth http://i48.tinypic.com/jp98ab.... 02-10-2013,
09:34 AM

walney nope cant do it? 02-10-2013,
09:41 AM

walney really cant can u do like... 02-10-2013,
09:42 AM

walney yes on paint 02-10-2013,
09:45 AM

dv8r Playing against level 3... 02-10-2013,
09:46 AM

July Fourth I'm playing Level 2 - Some... 02-10-2013,
09:53 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 1894
no comment :D 02-10-2013,
09:56 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Please tell me I didn't did... 02-10-2013,
10:08 AM

paulbonnick0504 Still level 19
35 tokens... 02-10-2013,
10:41 AM

paulbonnick0504 1st day of the season and I'm... 02-10-2013,
10:46 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I fixed my buget, I need to... 02-10-2013,
10:57 AM

July Fourth Cup will be tough for me... 02-10-2013,
10:58 AM

Accyrover Not one f***ing 5* has hit... 02-10-2013,
11:04 AM

July Fourth http://i49.tinypic.com/rubati.... 02-10-2013,
11:20 AM

paulbonnick0504 just been through the... 02-10-2013,
11:21 AM

Accyrover Highest 37 quality.
... 02-10-2013,
11:25 AM

July Fourth Accyrover, Just thought of a... 02-10-2013,
11:31 AM

paulbonnick0504 all this for 21 tokens now i... 02-10-2013,
11:40 AM

paulbonnick0504 I really hope someone buys my... 02-10-2013,
11:53 AM

Benlee4u It's crazy out there on my... 02-10-2013,
11:56 AM

July Fourth Here we go... There's a few... 02-10-2013,
12:37 PM

BamBestClub Level 20,0 tokens,30 M,a... 02-10-2013,
12:43 PM

BamBestClub The cup semifinalists-level... 02-10-2013,
12:48 PM

BamBestClub I can't remove a guy from... 02-10-2013,
12:50 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Cmon, you can beat him :) 02-10-2013,
01:19 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I will see how I will stay... 02-10-2013,
01:23 PM

July Fourth This time next season I will... 02-10-2013,
01:30 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just removed win bonus :)... 02-10-2013,
01:46 PM

Lukasj123 Hey guys, won the league,... 02-10-2013,
01:54 PM

Pojacanje Got 2 offers for skill 44,... 02-10-2013,
01:59 PM

Lukasj123 Thanks guys, shame it´s like... 02-10-2013,
02:06 PM

Playsmartpeople 3 transfer with 17 tokens... 02-10-2013,
02:07 PM

July Fourth Right, Game in 5 mins...
... 02-10-2013,
02:48 PM

Accyrover No vids on FB at all today.... 02-10-2013,
03:09 PM

July Fourth Lebonese Team 0-9 July Fourth... 02-10-2013,
03:13 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nothing good on the transfer... 02-10-2013,
03:25 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Yes Kyroshill, free agent... 02-10-2013,
04:23 PM

Ro Edu Lv. 6
285 tokens
... 02-10-2013,
04:32 PM

Bebchu I am very pleased with my... 02-10-2013,
04:38 PM

Kyroshill So.... speaking of the... 02-10-2013,
05:09 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Damn, its 7:30 and there is... 02-10-2013,
05:29 PM

Kyroshill Well that was a learning... 02-10-2013,
05:56 PM

Accyrover If he can't sign send a... 02-10-2013,
06:08 PM

Bebchu Finally i got my AML !
1940 02-10-2013,
06:31 PM

Kyroshill Barely survived first Cup... 02-10-2013,
06:45 PM

reallaw My Cup Match starts in 10... 02-10-2013,
07:04 PM

reallaw Here's the screenshot ^^
... 02-10-2013,
07:35 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin My game will start in few... 02-10-2013,
08:07 PM

Accyrover The latest victim of our... 02-10-2013,
09:11 PM

dv8r Played Accyrover in a... 02-10-2013,
09:56 PM

gkassimis right now there is a 23 yo... 02-10-2013,
10:18 PM

gkassimis what a bargain. he was sold... 02-10-2013,
10:44 PM

Mar Wie Why are people not bidding... 02-11-2013,
12:11 AM

Playsmartpeople 1968
u la la na na na na u... 02-11-2013,
12:50 AM

July Fourth Training underway at July... 02-11-2013,
01:33 AM

Nampion Chancy No more whiskey before... 02-11-2013,
03:23 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Damn from yesterday morning,... 02-11-2013,
08:03 AM

llamaz Last Season
Dalby United... 02-11-2013,
08:30 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Great when I saw a good... 02-11-2013,
10:31 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Damn still nothing good for... 02-11-2013,
11:52 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-0 Lebonese Team... 02-11-2013,
12:07 PM

Kyroshill On to the next cup round....... 02-11-2013,
12:59 PM

July Fourth http://i45.tinypic.com/66dqba.... 02-11-2013,
01:38 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin There is nothing wrong with... 02-11-2013,
02:23 PM

July Fourth It's also possible that the... 02-11-2013,
02:34 PM

Csaszar Alexandru 7-0 in cup yesterday and 15-0... 02-11-2013,
04:43 PM

reallaw Wasn't able to be online... 02-11-2013,
04:47 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just 7-0 in CUP :( 02-11-2013,
06:25 PM

Kyroshill My current squad.... rocking... 02-11-2013,
07:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just bought a scouter... 02-11-2013,
07:47 PM

MiaSanMia how can that be?
Did your... 02-11-2013,
08:56 PM

Accyrover It would appear so, I can... 02-11-2013,
09:16 PM

dv8r Power training starts... 02-11-2013,
10:07 PM

Accyrover Don't think I've seen a... 02-11-2013,
11:18 PM

Kyroshill Bored until after... 02-11-2013,
11:24 PM

Playsmartpeople lol lost at 25th rounds... 02-11-2013,
11:54 PM

Nampion Chancy Maybe not?? I was way more... 02-12-2013,
02:58 AM

Mar Wie Server are back up! 02-12-2013,
03:16 AM

July Fourth Easy League again for me this... 02-12-2013,
03:31 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just 2 good teams in my... 02-12-2013,
07:08 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New player 6 stars.. 02-12-2013,
07:13 AM

dv8r Quite a few inactive... 02-12-2013,
07:15 AM

July Fourth Whats this all about???
My... 02-12-2013,
08:38 AM

Playsmartpeople Season 2 for me will be :
... 02-12-2013,
10:04 AM

Rubenito Oh my what a league:)
5... 02-12-2013,
10:21 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin You should remove that * star... 02-12-2013,
10:21 AM

Luskin Star An exciting day for all T11... 02-12-2013,
11:23 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin @Benlee4u looks like you will... 02-12-2013,
12:16 PM

Raykco Almost a case of deja vu,... 02-12-2013,
12:18 PM

Bebchu Just great draw for the... 02-12-2013,
12:53 PM

Accyrover League, oh! dear.
Nearest... 02-12-2013,
01:18 PM

Pojacanje I have secured 1/8 but old... 02-12-2013,
01:45 PM

FCP After looking at our... 02-12-2013,
03:06 PM

meis cost him 1.13B
now with... 02-12-2013,
03:47 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 3-0 In the first game with a... 02-12-2013,
04:33 PM

Pojacanje 6:0 first league game, CL in... 02-12-2013,
04:42 PM

Potemy Routine 8-0 win in the... 02-12-2013,
05:36 PM

dv8r Champions League group... 02-12-2013,
06:18 PM

Accyrover So just sell him at the... 02-12-2013,
06:50 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just a 4-1 first round in CL... 02-12-2013,
07:25 PM

SheaVa Check!
My Opponent:... 02-12-2013,
10:41 PM

Pojacanje still dominating at level 7,... 02-12-2013,
10:50 PM

Nampion Chancy I did not have a response on... 02-13-2013,
03:56 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-2 Suht algaja... 02-13-2013,
05:10 AM

July Fourth Stadium Expansion Completed
... 02-13-2013,
05:25 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Tomorrow I will open a new... 02-13-2013,
07:36 AM

July Fourth http://i47.tinypic.com/6gkl8h.... 02-13-2013,
08:11 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin League game in 2 minutes,... 02-13-2013,
09:09 AM

Accyrover Anyone noticed how passing... 02-13-2013,
11:33 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I'm waiting for my DL, he's... 02-13-2013,
11:37 AM

Adel Gamal Yesterday, I had two hard... 02-13-2013,
11:49 AM

Accyrover F**k me dv8r, let him pass... 02-13-2013,
01:21 PM

Accyrover Think hard, 50SP and put SS... 02-13-2013,
01:39 PM

Playsmartpeople Another hard fought game in... 02-13-2013,
02:32 PM

July Fourth Mauricio FC 0-3 July Fourth... 02-13-2013,
03:03 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Tonight I have very easy game... 02-13-2013,
03:36 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Today I played with 1st,... 02-13-2013,
06:39 PM

gkassimis after 3 seasons i bought... 02-13-2013,
06:50 PM

Mar Wie Shadow Striker SA, no... 02-13-2013,
08:38 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I would not buy him, he's... 02-13-2013,
08:39 PM

Mar Wie Just found him in TM and... 02-13-2013,
08:41 PM

Raykco Todays Games.
League:... 02-13-2013,
09:09 PM

Luskin Star Really interesting League... 02-13-2013,
11:45 PM

Luskin Star This is not a whinge, simply... 02-13-2013,
11:57 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 2 more players 6 stars after... 02-14-2013,
06:51 AM

spornybol well my season started well,... 02-14-2013,
07:17 AM

July Fourth Analisti 0-4 July Fourth... 02-14-2013,
08:07 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 90 tokens went away from my... 02-14-2013,
09:41 AM

Adel Gamal Yesterday, I won both matches... 02-14-2013,
10:16 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New player 6 stars! and a... 02-14-2013,
05:22 PM

Accyrover 200 RP (tokens) from another... 02-14-2013,
06:44 PM

Accyrover XXX:rolleyes: 02-14-2013,
06:57 PM

July Fourth 200 RP on that other game is... 02-14-2013,
06:59 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 3 transfers today all free... 02-14-2013,
07:27 PM

Bebchu We won and our CL match
2169 02-14-2013,
09:29 PM

Kyroshill So early in the morning... 02-14-2013,
09:54 PM

Mar Wie Tell me pls 02-14-2013,
10:45 PM

Raykco Thursday Match Results.
... 02-14-2013,
10:45 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge clambered to the... 02-15-2013,
01:02 AM

llamaz League: Dalby United 3-0... 02-15-2013,
08:23 AM

July Fourth KOJLEKOV FC 0-6 July Fourth... 02-15-2013,
10:32 AM

NTNK Bravo July...... 02-15-2013,
10:35 AM

NTNK 3T player with amazing... 02-15-2013,
01:24 PM

July Fourth I guess someone wanted to... 02-15-2013,
02:11 PM

Mar Wie Two Guys from Argentina... 02-15-2013,
03:19 PM

Adel Gamal In league : 4 wins with 15... 02-15-2013,
09:16 PM

Kyroshill Into playoff round easily... 02-15-2013,
10:18 PM

Raykco Friday results.
LGE: ... 02-15-2013,
11:29 PM

mountaincat thanks.........so sad....... 02-16-2013,
01:56 AM

dv8r Multi-account cheater... 02-16-2013,
01:56 AM

Luskin Star Masie Lodge maintained their... 02-16-2013,
03:38 AM

Kyroshill This should help.... a... 02-16-2013,
05:09 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin After yesterday victory in... 02-16-2013,
07:48 AM

Pojacanje Draw for CUP placed me... 02-16-2013,
09:22 AM

July Fourth Draw for CUP playoffs round... 02-16-2013,
09:50 AM

July Fourth Champions League Preview:... 02-16-2013,
02:49 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just bought 3 more players... 02-16-2013,
02:54 PM

Accyrover Quite a sad day, Ravers... 02-16-2013,
03:21 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin League game in less then 1... 02-16-2013,
04:07 PM

Accyrover Is 'reality' about to kick... 02-16-2013,
04:50 PM

Kyroshill First game 17.9 v 14.8....... 02-16-2013,
04:56 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I forgot to watch my game,... 02-16-2013,
05:02 PM

July Fourth Sentepespor FC 3-3 July... 02-16-2013,
05:22 PM

dv8r Match preview:... 02-16-2013,
07:26 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good luck dv8r, take all 3... 02-16-2013,
07:28 PM

Raykco I have just watched an... 02-16-2013,
08:17 PM

Kyroshill VERY hard fought 1-2 win for... 02-16-2013,
09:19 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 4-0 Kao FC League... 02-16-2013,
09:57 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 2 new jerseys to collection :D 02-16-2013,
10:27 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge extended their... 02-16-2013,
10:35 PM

Smoggie Cracking result for the... 02-16-2013,
11:32 PM

Accyrover Still undefeated but a bit... 02-16-2013,
11:33 PM

Potemy 2277
Beautiful. 02-17-2013,
05:20 AM

ryanight07 I need negotiations level 11... 02-17-2013,
06:41 AM

Luskin Star As I have mentioned on here... 02-17-2013,
07:35 AM

Potemy I didn't want to scam the... 02-17-2013,
07:38 AM

Luskin Star Very nice sell, Potemy.
... 02-17-2013,
08:07 AM

Luskin Star Potemy, when you sell an... 02-17-2013,
08:26 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Oh I found a nice DL for me,... 02-17-2013,
08:34 AM

Luskin Star I suppose I should explain... 02-17-2013,
08:35 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 2284
A new transfer for... 02-17-2013,
08:56 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin You have an hard season... 02-17-2013,
10:17 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just checked my Cup... 02-17-2013,
10:18 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Yes sir, same here, very low... 02-17-2013,
12:19 PM

Kyroshill Well an early morning 1-3... 02-17-2013,
01:37 PM

Kyroshill Cup opponent running a 4-4-2... 02-17-2013,
03:07 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin One of the best defenders... 02-17-2013,
04:01 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin You are still in my team, I... 02-17-2013,
04:17 PM

NTNK This season start to be... 02-17-2013,
06:49 PM

Raykco Sunday Review.
LGE: ... 02-17-2013,
07:00 PM

Luskin Star Easy away Cup victory for... 02-17-2013,
09:13 PM

trygen Finally...some dignity 2315 02-17-2013,
09:29 PM

Kyroshill Sitting second top after... 02-17-2013,
10:04 PM

NTNK Results 15-17.02.2013
I... 02-17-2013,
10:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Now thats "sad" the third... 02-18-2013,
06:02 AM

July Fourth FK SUSEK 0-6 July Fourth Cup... 02-18-2013,
06:21 AM

Pojacanje LEAGUE: ATM 3 teams are tied... 02-18-2013,
12:43 PM

kullehh my players to weak against... 02-18-2013,
02:10 PM

kullehh i have to score at least 2... 02-18-2013,
02:16 PM

Kyroshill CL match in 12 minutes....... 02-18-2013,
03:53 PM

Kyroshill 2-0 to the good guys....... 02-18-2013,
04:15 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 0-2 Sentepespor... 02-18-2013,
04:20 PM

July Fourth Well after the disappointment... 02-18-2013,
04:40 PM

Kyroshill Gonzalez only suffered an... 02-18-2013,
04:45 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin A 3-0 victory in league, Adel... 02-18-2013,
05:14 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Pff, I'm thinking to... 02-18-2013,
05:17 PM

Kyroshill By way of our earlier win...... 02-18-2013,
05:34 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Kowach is on the transfer... 02-18-2013,
05:38 PM

Krmenadla Random much? Not the first... 02-18-2013,
07:44 PM

Krmenadla It was not an illegal... 02-18-2013,
07:52 PM

Kyroshill I'm not so sure the game... 02-18-2013,
08:01 PM

kullehh formation 02-18-2013,
08:15 PM

Kyroshill Wow.... lots of trolling of... 02-18-2013,
08:52 PM

Mar Wie 4 injuries in 1 match,... 02-18-2013,
09:29 PM

July Fourth Kamikaze 0-1 July Fourth... 02-18-2013,
09:36 PM

Raykco The Monday Report.
LGE: ... 02-18-2013,
09:59 PM

thon Level 5
average 41.5 ... 02-18-2013,
10:19 PM

Luskin Star An emphatic 0-3 away win in... 02-18-2013,
11:03 PM

Luskin Star Interesting League clash... 02-19-2013,
01:00 AM

Kyroshill Little harder game than... 02-19-2013,
12:54 PM

Kyroshill Of course my big game... 02-19-2013,
01:10 PM

Pojacanje Stunning 6:1 victory, keeps... 02-19-2013,
04:38 PM

Kyroshill So when you play an opponent... 02-19-2013,
05:00 PM

Kyroshill He is currently showing a... 02-19-2013,
05:35 PM

kullehh ,i am level 3 and i... 02-19-2013,
07:21 PM

NTNK Offside trap - OFF
... 02-19-2013,
07:48 PM

NTNK Antoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D 02-19-2013,
07:49 PM

FCP FCP just signed Jesper... 02-19-2013,
08:25 PM

NTNK Results 19.02.2013.
CUP... 02-19-2013,
08:38 PM

Accyrover 5 points separate 2nd from... 02-19-2013,
09:38 PM

July Fourth Walking away with the title... 02-19-2013,
09:43 PM

Kyroshill Dammit!!!! 50-50... 02-19-2013,
09:54 PM

Kyroshill 2389Alright.... so now I'm... 02-19-2013,
09:56 PM

Luskin Star A slashing performance this... 02-19-2013,
10:03 PM

Raykco Tuesday Review.
LGE: ... 02-19-2013,
11:29 PM

Luskin Star C'mon Raykco, this has to be... 02-20-2013,
12:01 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Cl should not be a problem... 02-20-2013,
06:53 AM

July Fourth Ac Milan 0-6 July Fourth... 02-20-2013,
11:39 AM

July Fourth Last 16 Cup Draw
For the... 02-20-2013,
12:59 PM

Accyrover How do you doctor the image... 02-20-2013,
01:05 PM

Accyrover My KO stages of the Cup, as... 02-20-2013,
03:13 PM

Accyrover Istanbul bound for tonight's... 02-20-2013,
03:30 PM

Kyroshill 2420
So here is my Cup... 02-20-2013,
03:34 PM

Kyroshill CLeague matchup in about 20... 02-20-2013,
03:49 PM

Lukasj123 My team just won in probably... 02-20-2013,
04:22 PM

NTNK NTNK United back on the... 02-20-2013,
04:48 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 3-0 victory in CL :D 15... 02-20-2013,
05:00 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin The new stadium should be... 02-20-2013,
06:32 PM

July Fourth Suht algaja vnii 0-4 July... 02-20-2013,
08:18 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I'm planning to make 10-20... 02-20-2013,
08:19 PM

NTNK Results 20.02.2013.
... 02-20-2013,
08:45 PM

Csaszar Alexandru Well hello there.
Just... 02-20-2013,
08:46 PM

Chris Rath Hey lads, I sadly lost today... 02-20-2013,
08:47 PM

Kyroshill Wow.... so my defensive... 02-20-2013,
09:00 PM

Kyroshill 2435
So sitting 4th at... 02-20-2013,
09:03 PM

Raykco Wednesday Report.
LGE: ... 02-20-2013,
10:05 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... after that... 02-20-2013,
10:16 PM

Luskin Star Today was an unmittigated... 02-20-2013,
11:24 PM

reallaw My friend played against a... 02-21-2013,
06:11 AM

dv8r Perfect Tactics have... 02-21-2013,
09:42 AM

Accyrover The games not realistic so... 02-21-2013,
12:53 PM

gaz Always the bridesmaid! 02-21-2013,
02:16 PM

Hassan FC Playing one of my friends in... 02-21-2013,
03:36 PM

Accyrover Ravers trip to Tokyo this... 02-21-2013,
05:38 PM

Kyroshill Interesting... I got my... 02-21-2013,
05:55 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Anyone up for a friendly... 02-21-2013,
06:17 PM

Pojacanje VICTORY AGAINST 3 LEVEL... 02-21-2013,
07:23 PM

Pojacanje 7 level he is 10. 02-21-2013,
07:29 PM

NTNK Niceeee matori :D 02-21-2013,
07:31 PM

Accyrover Bali what a pace, Ravers won... 02-21-2013,
08:52 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 4 new free agents today and... 02-21-2013,
08:58 PM

July Fourth Here's mine... All 8 away... 02-21-2013,
09:10 PM

Kyroshill I hate you guys :p 02-21-2013,
09:34 PM

Raykco Thursday Update.
LGE: ... 02-21-2013,
10:11 PM

Luskin Star A little late with... 02-22-2013,
06:11 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin last round in cl groups... 02-22-2013,
08:07 AM

dv8r Match Preview - Perfect... 02-22-2013,
01:36 PM

Pojacanje 5-6 in strenght in CL. 1st... 02-22-2013,
01:47 PM

reallaw 0-10 Today in the League. ... 02-22-2013,
02:09 PM

Kyroshill I'm just protecting all my... 02-22-2013,
05:23 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I lost in CL ! Unreal but... 02-22-2013,
05:57 PM

July Fourth Match Preview: 'Thai Team' vs... 02-22-2013,
07:05 PM

Accyrover Final Game of the group... 02-22-2013,
07:33 PM

Csaszar Alexandru I HAD ENAUGH, check HERE... 02-22-2013,
08:02 PM

Kyroshill Nice 1-3 CL win.... although... 02-22-2013,
08:53 PM

July Fourth Stacey.... No good at... 02-22-2013,
09:48 PM

Raykco Friday Report.
LGE: SVET... 02-22-2013,
09:54 PM

Luskin Star The lads from Massie Lodge... 02-22-2013,
11:05 PM

Chris Rath In a meaningless last group... 02-22-2013,
11:57 PM

Accyrover Ravers maintained their 12... 02-23-2013,
12:00 AM

Chris Rath Last major signing for this... 02-23-2013,
12:10 AM

Kyroshill OK.... so here's our CL... 02-23-2013,
03:45 AM

Raykco I've just seen my Champ... 02-23-2013,
04:13 AM

Benlee4u Chronicles from the... 02-23-2013,
11:57 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 7-0 Ac Milan Cup... 02-23-2013,
12:01 PM

Pojacanje CUP INFO:Just been defeated... 02-23-2013,
12:33 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nothing special in league, we... 02-23-2013,
09:07 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge opened up a 5pt... 02-23-2013,
09:34 PM

Kyroshill Easy day.... 3-0 Cup... 02-23-2013,
11:12 PM

Kyroshill Gotta look to see what... 02-23-2013,
11:14 PM

Accyrover Two 6-0 home wins keeps the... 02-23-2013,
11:20 PM

Pojacanje True July Fourth, this time... 02-23-2013,
11:46 PM

Raykco Saturday Update.
LGE: ... 02-23-2013,
11:57 PM

Chris Rath How I am doing? Sh*t! I felt... 02-24-2013,
12:29 AM

Pojacanje Have you ever had situation... 02-24-2013,
10:08 AM

sorinaccio last night game
and... 02-24-2013,
10:20 AM

reallaw 0-3 won 'cause the other... 02-24-2013,
11:09 AM

reallaw Why do the ppl in League... 02-24-2013,
11:15 AM

reallaw To 95% out of the Cup this... 02-24-2013,
11:36 AM

prince_alex Fighting for the first... 02-24-2013,
11:50 AM

July Fourth Champions League 9.26pm... 02-24-2013,
12:31 PM

Chris Rath 3-0 away win at the 8th in... 02-24-2013,
12:37 PM

ParshulXXL I only won once in the last 5... 02-24-2013,
02:02 PM

reallaw 2544
In the CL i'm luckier... 02-24-2013,
02:27 PM

Accyrover I've been logged in for most... 02-24-2013,
05:05 PM

Mohsen Moghim actually it is my fifth... 02-24-2013,
06:05 PM

Pojacanje Champions League match in 2... 02-24-2013,
06:59 PM

Raykco Sunday Review.
LGE: TWINS... 02-24-2013,
07:17 PM

Chris Rath 2-1 away win in the CL. The... 02-24-2013,
09:11 PM

Pojacanje First defeat in season... 02-24-2013,
09:24 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin A good result in league... 02-24-2013,
09:47 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-1 Steaua Siret... 02-24-2013,
09:51 PM

July Fourth Champions League Last 16, 1st... 02-24-2013,
10:19 PM

Krmenadla Hello fellow managers. Lets... 02-24-2013,
11:06 PM

Luskin Star Long night for the lads from... 02-24-2013,
11:52 PM

Kyroshill Humans getting trolled... 02-25-2013,
01:08 AM

Kyroshill Hmmm.... something is just... 02-25-2013,
01:31 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Later, I will add some... 02-25-2013,
06:21 AM

July Fourth The youth players arrived... 02-25-2013,
09:11 AM

Adel Gamal My last news in T11 :
In... 02-25-2013,
09:33 AM

art2980 In league :
I'm now 1st... 02-25-2013,
10:24 AM

July Fourth FENIXJAS 0-4 July Fourth... 02-25-2013,
10:35 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Lol my main opponent in CL... 02-25-2013,
12:11 PM

paulbonnick0504 Hey Guys sorry I've been... 02-25-2013,
03:27 PM

paulbonnick0504 Im in the pool of level 19 to... 02-25-2013,
03:47 PM

QuocBao In the League Position 1... 02-25-2013,
03:58 PM

Kyroshill :sigh: More early morning... 02-25-2013,
04:11 PM

Kyroshill I really hope I don't have... 02-25-2013,
04:37 PM

Accyrover I've seem worse shots, what... 02-25-2013,
05:01 PM

Kyroshill I'm tellin' ya.... my server... 02-25-2013,
06:47 PM

Chris Rath Got two youngsters today from... 02-25-2013,
07:33 PM

paulbonnick0504 Cup Quarter Final... 02-25-2013,
07:50 PM

paulbonnick0504 also 3 more 5* players gone... 02-25-2013,
07:59 PM

Pojacanje DEFEATED BY 20+ skill point... 02-25-2013,
08:43 PM

Luskin Star Another busy night for the... 02-25-2013,
09:23 PM

July Fourth Cup Quarter-Final 1st Leg... 02-25-2013,
10:03 PM

Raykco Monday.
LGE: LONDON CITY ... 02-25-2013,
11:14 PM

Kyroshill So finally dice rolls go our... 02-26-2013,
01:44 AM

Kyroshill LOVE Arsene.... he never... 02-26-2013,
01:57 AM

paulbonnick0504 Dont think there is any RB ... 02-26-2013,
08:55 AM

paulbonnick0504 Madrid have the backing and... 02-26-2013,
09:24 AM

Adel Gamal Yesterday results :
In... 02-26-2013,
09:33 AM

prince_alex Fighting for the first... 02-26-2013,
09:52 AM

prince_alex You should enjoy till the... 02-26-2013,
10:02 AM

paulbonnick0504 Another easy win would of... 02-26-2013,
10:32 AM

kullehh what happen after level 20... 02-26-2013,
12:58 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 1-0 Analisti... 02-26-2013,
04:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just a 2-0 victory, pretty... 02-26-2013,
04:23 PM

Kyroshill Well.... my CL match was... 02-26-2013,
04:37 PM

Kyroshill 12 minutes to BIG league... 02-26-2013,
07:40 PM

Raykco Tuesday Round-Up
LGE: ... 02-26-2013,
09:53 PM

NTNK NTNK ===> ... 02-26-2013,
10:26 PM

Luskin Star Two home games for Massie... 02-26-2013,
11:07 PM

July Fourth I've been on the Power... 02-27-2013,
09:20 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-0 FC CHUJEMUJE... 02-27-2013,
11:44 AM

July Fourth NumCeza FC 0-0 July Fourth... 02-27-2013,
03:33 PM

July Fourth I'm extremely pissed... ... 02-27-2013,
04:22 PM

prince_alex I'm playing against the... 02-27-2013,
04:37 PM

Kyroshill The boys put up a fight... 02-27-2013,
05:32 PM

dv8r League, round 16 -... 02-27-2013,
06:12 PM

July Fourth The only positive thing that... 02-27-2013,
06:39 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Pricop is a sexy 7 stars... 02-27-2013,
06:43 PM

paulbonnick0504 and you get tokens with it ? 02-27-2013,
07:08 PM

paulbonnick0504 where do i find this offer 02-27-2013,
07:14 PM

Kyroshill Good away win by the good... 02-27-2013,
07:15 PM

Kyroshill Oh....and for the skeptics... 02-27-2013,
07:16 PM

ParshulXXL As I keep saying, the game... 02-27-2013,
07:39 PM

Pojacanje I do not have that option :(... 02-27-2013,
07:53 PM

reallaw My first defeat in this... 02-27-2013,
07:56 PM

Raykco Wednesday.
LGE: LONDON... 02-27-2013,
09:29 PM

FCP Quick update.
2667 02-27-2013,
09:55 PM

ant hi FCP, what that mean? 02-27-2013,
10:22 PM

Kyroshill Anticipation......
... 02-27-2013,
10:22 PM

Luskin Star A midnight flight to Istanbul... 02-27-2013,
11:01 PM

ant no, where? 02-27-2013,
11:01 PM

trygen 2681
2 wins, for today... 02-27-2013,
11:17 PM

ant hm, ok, if you afraid 02-27-2013,
11:35 PM

ant ? ... 02-28-2013,
12:34 AM

FishFlicks I have 2 big matches early... 02-28-2013,
10:03 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 270027012702270327042705
... 02-28-2013,
11:23 AM

Lola.Milo i have 2 important matches... 02-28-2013,
02:42 PM

July Fourth Playing a GK as a ST in my... 02-28-2013,
03:35 PM

Kyroshill Ouch! Just suffered my first... 02-28-2013,
05:04 PM

ParshulXXL After a dry spell of 5 games... 02-28-2013,
06:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 5-0 in CL, so we are in... 02-28-2013,
06:15 PM

trygen 2728
My Cl opponent 02-28-2013,
07:52 PM

Chris Rath League: I stayed second after... 02-28-2013,
08:52 PM

Kyroshill Sheeesh... these refs today,... 02-28-2013,
08:57 PM

Kyroshill Ack! 2nd training related... 02-28-2013,
09:16 PM

Raykco Thursday Report.
LGE: ... 02-28-2013,
09:22 PM

Kyroshill Slight bit of good news....... 02-28-2013,
09:22 PM

Luskin Star The annual mid season slump... 02-28-2013,
09:41 PM

Kyroshill OK.... CL bracket at day's... 02-28-2013,
10:32 PM

Pojacanje Game is at 1-13pm so spend... 03-01-2013,
09:15 AM

reallaw I'm so pissed. Fu*kin'... 03-01-2013,
09:18 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just checked teams for cup... 03-01-2013,
10:40 AM

July Fourth I never respond to friend... 03-01-2013,
02:57 PM

Lola.Milo lost my CL match yesterday :( 03-01-2013,
03:42 PM

Kyroshill I thought today would be a... 03-01-2013,
03:43 PM

July Fourth Aliance FC vs The Eagles... 03-01-2013,
10:19 PM

Kyroshill Never happy.... but it was... 03-01-2013,
10:27 PM

Kyroshill So since I have some new... 03-02-2013,
03:50 AM

paulbonnick0504 dropped to 4 points behind... 03-02-2013,
08:31 AM

Gafaton i Won the game 1-3 against... 03-02-2013,
01:02 PM

Kyroshill Crazy morning.... missed the... 03-02-2013,
03:56 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 6-2 The Gunner FC... 03-02-2013,
04:09 PM

July Fourth Champagne On Ice
Besiktas... 03-02-2013,
04:51 PM

axim78 really hard fought. win... 03-02-2013,
06:47 PM

Kyroshill Speaking of not... 03-02-2013,
07:38 PM

Raykco Saturday Update.
LGE: ... 03-02-2013,
09:08 PM

Kyroshill Alright... 33 minutes to go... 03-02-2013,
09:16 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 3-0 FC Zywiec... 03-02-2013,
09:43 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Crazy draw in CL 1-1 :) 03-02-2013,
09:52 PM

Chris Rath Perfect day for FC... 03-02-2013,
10:27 PM

Kyroshill Well.... a clean 0-2 win and... 03-02-2013,
11:01 PM

Luskin Star No report yesterday,... 03-02-2013,
11:37 PM

Chris Rath You both are top contenders... 03-03-2013,
12:20 AM

Chris Rath Yes, Leganes is quality, two... 03-03-2013,
12:32 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 4 players close to 7 stars!... 03-03-2013,
11:24 AM

Adel Gamal Last results :
In league :... 03-03-2013,
11:50 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just saw my CL opponent, I... 03-03-2013,
12:10 PM

Playsmartpeople Hi guys.....another crucial... 03-03-2013,
02:35 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 1-0 kamikaze... 03-03-2013,
03:29 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just a 6-0 in League. 03-03-2013,
03:31 PM

Kyroshill Alright... since Arsenal... 03-03-2013,
04:40 PM

July Fourth Mertesacker scores... back in... 03-03-2013,
05:09 PM

Kyroshill Well RONPEST rolled his Cup... 03-03-2013,
05:22 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We are starting to save... 03-03-2013,
06:05 PM

Kyroshill I just bumped up my win... 03-03-2013,
06:13 PM

Kristya Hello! I am new in this... 03-03-2013,
07:32 PM

Raykco My only match scheduled... 03-03-2013,
07:55 PM

Kyroshill So while RONPEST did their... 03-03-2013,
09:19 PM

Chris Rath Wow, the league leader... 03-03-2013,
10:00 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge appears to have... 03-03-2013,
11:00 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We won't be home tonight so... 03-04-2013,
07:41 AM

mirnal Hi Friends,
Need your... 03-04-2013,
09:23 AM

paulbonnick0504 Since I last wrote on here I... 03-04-2013,
11:34 AM

paulbonnick0504 I miss being in easy leagues... 03-04-2013,
11:53 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New transfers are comming ! 03-04-2013,
01:29 PM

dv8r Are you guys on the t11... 03-04-2013,
03:21 PM

July Fourth Jude Moses @iJM21
Why not... 03-04-2013,
04:14 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 4 more players, damn moneys,... 03-04-2013,
04:24 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I will miss my both games... 03-04-2013,
05:13 PM

thon Season so far lvl5
... 03-04-2013,
05:57 PM

Chris Rath League update:
FC... 03-04-2013,
07:28 PM

Kyroshill Oh.... forgot to mention....... 03-04-2013,
07:29 PM

July Fourth Champions League Semi-Final... 03-04-2013,
08:21 PM

Kyroshill Win!
Opposing manager had... 03-04-2013,
08:58 PM

marc31 First points dropped in... 03-04-2013,
09:59 PM

July Fourth Champions League Knockout... 03-04-2013,
10:19 PM

Bebchu CL..
2859... 03-04-2013,
10:52 PM

Raykco Monday.
LGE: PTO ALCUDIA ... 03-04-2013,
10:53 PM

Luskin Star League R21 Moonlight 1 Massie... 03-04-2013,
10:54 PM

Kristya 2861
I was surprise that... 03-04-2013,
10:59 PM

marc31 0-0 home in 1st leg. Bad... 03-04-2013,
11:05 PM

Chris Rath Oh, man, what kind of matches... 03-04-2013,
11:32 PM

July Fourth Good score that Chris, I... 03-04-2013,
11:54 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nice scores but also you got... 03-05-2013,
08:48 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Today we "run" moneys! 6,7... 03-05-2013,
08:50 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 6 players on sale at this... 03-05-2013,
10:12 AM

Pojacanje Stunning loss in CL last... 03-05-2013,
10:52 AM

July Fourth Free Agents for me are a... 03-05-2013,
11:26 AM

Shadow Free agents are good... 03-05-2013,
11:42 AM

July Fourth There are no free agents on... 03-05-2013,
01:04 PM

July Fourth Cup Draw Update
A bit of... 03-05-2013,
01:19 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 6-0 Ac Milan... 03-05-2013,
03:40 PM

Kuruma Through the the cup final... 03-05-2013,
04:39 PM

Chris Rath Kneipenkick is prepared for... 03-05-2013,
08:24 PM

Raykco Tuesday Report.
LGE: ... 03-05-2013,
10:06 PM

marc31 FCN Iași - Long Island FC... 03-05-2013,
11:14 PM

Luskin Star Cup Semi Final Massie Lodge... 03-05-2013,
11:24 PM

Kyroshill 2898
Total shocker I... 03-06-2013,
01:10 AM

July Fourth No lol, I don't think I would... 03-06-2013,
01:59 AM

Playsmartpeople Park the bus and you will win... 03-06-2013,
04:19 AM

Adel Gamal Another win in league as... 03-06-2013,
07:58 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We should not have big... 03-06-2013,
08:25 AM

paulbonnick0504 Not much to write about I... 03-06-2013,
09:36 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New players, I love how manys... 03-06-2013,
10:07 AM

Luskin Star Thanks, something for us all... 03-06-2013,
12:09 PM

Raykco Wednesday.
LGE: NO CHANCE... 03-06-2013,
12:50 PM

July Fourth Training Update
Squad... 03-06-2013,
02:39 PM

July Fourth Fc RonnyBonny 2-3 July Fourth... 03-06-2013,
05:26 PM

July Fourth Result Just In...
Kalex... 03-06-2013,
06:17 PM

FC Strandbal I had today the second leg of... 03-06-2013,
06:22 PM

Chris Rath This guy appeard today in my... 03-06-2013,
07:33 PM

Tornado88 Through to the final of the... 03-06-2013,
07:40 PM

Kyroshill Well.... who knows what the... 03-06-2013,
08:17 PM

Kyroshill I saw a few things happen in... 03-06-2013,
08:20 PM

reallaw 2-2 with 15% ball pos. and... 03-06-2013,
08:37 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... I guess I should go... 03-06-2013,
08:39 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... does this make it... 03-06-2013,
09:02 PM

shwanko07 I just beat the strongest... 03-06-2013,
10:14 PM

Chris Rath Kneipenkick update:
Today... 03-06-2013,
10:25 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... what Nordeus taketh... 03-06-2013,
10:28 PM

Kyroshill We win! We win! And the game... 03-06-2013,
11:00 PM

Kyroshill Never seen it before... 03-06-2013,
11:02 PM

Kyroshill Well.... I still don't... 03-06-2013,
11:09 PM

Kristya Ottawa Blue Claw (2) vs... 03-06-2013,
11:12 PM

Kyroshill Alright.... so no one is... 03-06-2013,
11:16 PM

Luskin Star League R23 GulbaG 0-1 Massie... 03-06-2013,
11:34 PM

Kyroshill That's a bit better than... 03-06-2013,
11:43 PM

marc31 Definately you must wait... 03-06-2013,
11:55 PM

Kyroshill Yeah.... I'll wait... but... 03-07-2013,
12:11 AM

Gafaton just wait 3 days or smth :p 03-07-2013,
12:26 AM

Luskin Star Just realised my Cup Final... 03-07-2013,
02:07 AM

mzaini_18 3 matches to finish the... 03-07-2013,
02:29 AM

Pojacanje LAST NIGHT GAME, CHAMPIONS... 03-07-2013,
08:19 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good luck July, you will win... 03-07-2013,
09:54 AM

July Fourth http://i47.tinypic.com/2q3onkm... 03-07-2013,
10:28 AM

paulbonnick0504 took a bad 1-3 home defeat... 03-07-2013,
11:36 AM

Kyroshill 6 minutes to the Clash..... 03-07-2013,
11:54 AM

paulbonnick0504 finally got my 41T for that... 03-07-2013,
11:55 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-0 erster FC... 03-07-2013,
11:59 AM

paulbonnick0504 2-0 after 5 mins :) 03-07-2013,
12:06 PM

paulbonnick0504 half time man Un 0 B.B.B... 03-07-2013,
12:10 PM

Kyroshill I have a suspicion I'll be... 03-07-2013,
12:43 PM

Morgan O\'Bree The young New Team's player... 03-07-2013,
01:20 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We saved around 300m for... 03-07-2013,
01:55 PM

PeterMeter I won't be able to catch up... 03-07-2013,
02:35 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-1 'The Other... 03-07-2013,
04:10 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Cup Final in 3 minutes...all... 03-07-2013,
04:13 PM

Raykco Thursday.
LGE: LONDON... 03-07-2013,
04:41 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Cup Final Match
FC New... 03-07-2013,
04:42 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 8-0 today in League, we are... 03-07-2013,
05:47 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good job dv8r :P 03-07-2013,
05:53 PM

Kyroshill 2966
Here's the stats of... 03-07-2013,
05:58 PM

Lola.Milo blame Nordeus :D
... 03-07-2013,
06:40 PM

Playsmartpeople Sadly i couldnt watch my cup... 03-07-2013,
06:44 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Was off to shopping so... 03-07-2013,
08:10 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Oh thats nice result and... 03-07-2013,
08:31 PM

July Fourth I like that there is a team... 03-07-2013,
08:42 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Thank you Morgan, both of us... 03-07-2013,
09:00 PM

NTNK 297329742975 03-07-2013,
09:03 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I saw 3 goals in 5 minutes :) 03-07-2013,
09:15 PM

NTNK From tomorrow I'll play... 03-07-2013,
09:28 PM

marc31 No way! It`s not fair,... 03-07-2013,
09:40 PM

paulbonnick0504 After my cup win which you... 03-07-2013,
10:28 PM

Luskin Star League R24 Dropsmongool Dy... 03-07-2013,
11:07 PM

dv8r CL opponent plays a... 03-08-2013,
03:14 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Cl tonight, we are ready to... 03-08-2013,
06:20 AM

Vidmux It is not trolling, it's... 03-08-2013,
08:53 AM

July Fourth This is it. The bid to win... 03-08-2013,
11:23 AM

Morgan O\'Bree Nothing changed in my league.... 03-08-2013,
12:11 PM

Chris Rath League update: FC Kneipenkick... 03-08-2013,
12:52 PM

marc31 To be or not to be! My... 03-08-2013,
04:56 PM

fmldotcom Lost 2 CL finals, got one... 03-08-2013,
04:57 PM

Kyroshill An entire season wasted........ 03-08-2013,
05:05 PM

Kyroshill Don't think there will be a... 03-08-2013,
05:11 PM

axim78 hala axim fc. this season... 03-08-2013,
05:35 PM

fmldotcom After losing the first 2 CL... 03-08-2013,
06:07 PM

fmldotcom Drama. Drama!!!
Amazingly... 03-08-2013,
06:29 PM

RodrigoVascão Tokens sumiram!
Me desculpe... 03-08-2013,
06:44 PM

RodrigoVascão Tokens are gone!
Sorry to be... 03-08-2013,
06:46 PM

Morgan O\'Bree 25th day: FC Scouts 1 - 3 ... 03-08-2013,
08:11 PM

Rubenito Magic night for... 03-08-2013,
08:32 PM

Raykco Friday Review.
LGE: ... 03-08-2013,
08:34 PM

July Fourth This is it... Champions... 03-08-2013,
08:36 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Quick update: with another... 03-08-2013,
08:50 PM

Chris Rath Yes, league champion. :cool:... 03-08-2013,
08:57 PM

Broxburn Rovers Just won my cl final. I was... 03-08-2013,
09:13 PM

Chris Rath And even better. CHAMPIONS... 03-08-2013,
09:21 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good job Kristya, when I was... 03-08-2013,
10:09 PM

Ljepoje A quick question: does the... 03-08-2013,
10:09 PM

reallaw Won 1-2 CL Final vs my... 03-08-2013,
10:16 PM

Ljepoje Oke, not bad then... 😋 03-08-2013,
10:20 PM

fmldotcom 2nd place trophy is gay. Can... 03-08-2013,
10:25 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-1 Kalex FC... 03-08-2013,
10:32 PM

Bebchu there we go..
I could say... 03-08-2013,
11:15 PM

_NNX_ Im level 1(newbie) and I... 03-09-2013,
12:00 AM

Broxburn Rovers Ah sound i'am ps3 m8. I'd luv... 03-09-2013,
02:53 AM

Broxburn Rovers Aye new fms dont seem as... 03-09-2013,
03:13 AM

mzaini_18 2nd in the league with one... 03-09-2013,
08:04 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin From 30-40 milions few days... 03-09-2013,
10:11 AM

reallaw League ended for me. Was a... 03-09-2013,
10:21 AM

Barneey100 Yess!!! Yesterday night I won... 03-09-2013,
10:27 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We add 3 more free players on... 03-09-2013,
10:51 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Happy to hear that my... 03-09-2013,
11:00 AM

Morgan O\'Bree Last Matchday.
New Team 5... 03-09-2013,
11:41 AM

thon win win win lvl 5 03-09-2013,
12:02 PM

Finally... 03-09-2013,
12:53 PM

paulbonnick0504 I'm 5th a point behind 4th i... 03-09-2013,
02:42 PM

marc31 Be on-line to support his... 03-09-2013,
02:57 PM

QuocBao I'm the winner :)... 03-09-2013,
03:09 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 4-0 Sungurlu FC... 03-09-2013,
04:04 PM

ParshulXXL Well, dissapointing season... 03-09-2013,
05:16 PM

July Fourth Well Folks its that time... 03-09-2013,
05:16 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Oh :( losing with just 1... 03-09-2013,
05:35 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 5-0 last game in league. 03-09-2013,
05:36 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I had but on Bocsa 2 seasons... 03-09-2013,
05:41 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 550M for next season, 1 more... 03-09-2013,
05:44 PM

kullehh i have 23- 3 - 0 idk how i... 03-09-2013,
05:47 PM

paulbonnick0504 July how much real money have... 03-09-2013,
05:54 PM

Tornado88 League
End of my fifth... 03-09-2013,
05:56 PM

Raykco Saturday.
LGE: LONDON... 03-09-2013,
06:17 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Nothing new at the end of the... 03-09-2013,
06:26 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We sold our last player 500... 03-09-2013,
06:40 PM

July Fourth I would like to see a... 03-09-2013,
08:51 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin dv8r, Petersen is just... 03-09-2013,
08:53 PM

Morgan O\'Bree I wish my market was the... 03-09-2013,
08:57 PM

July Fourth How They Finished
... 03-09-2013,
09:49 PM

Vidmux Question off - new scouts... 03-09-2013,
09:55 PM

Chris Rath League update: FC Kneipenkick... 03-09-2013,
10:12 PM

lass1919 i have made thank goad 7th... 03-09-2013,
10:21 PM

lass1919 ah i didn't think of those... 03-09-2013,
10:44 PM

mzaini_18 Finished at 2nd position :-( 03-09-2013,
11:49 PM

Chris Rath Hey, I have a short noob... 03-10-2013,
12:11 AM

Chris Rath Thx July. Ok, then tomorrow... 03-10-2013,
12:48 AM

Raykco I'm hoping that one of my... 03-10-2013,
01:18 AM

July Fourth 2.00 AM GMT - This Season has... 03-10-2013,
02:04 AM

FCP Gratz to all winners.
... 03-10-2013,
02:16 AM
Grand Master
Season 37
In few hours a new season will start! You are ready? Did you prepered your team for the first games in CUP, also what are your plans for the next season!
The question for the new season are?
What level you are now?
How much moneys do you have?
How many tokens do you have?
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