Quote Originally Posted by Dele Lamu View Post
but i dont buy tokens i can;t afford to be negative my bank lol
In which case, using so many tokens on that one player seems a bit silly. You would have been better going onto the scout market and bringing in 2 or 3 scout players for less tokens, who would have also cost you less in money.

Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
Nothing will happen to you instead the manager whose player you will by his account will go in to -2.15 billion negative ( correct me all the experienced forum members if I am wrong )...
Pretty sure that is correct. The selling person will see their account fall into a negative balance - forcing them to correct the balance or lose players after 7 days. Its a nasty trick to pull on someone as it will all but screw up their account (unless they have thousands of tokens to pay for bank loans).

There were rumours that Nordeus would correct the losses if the user reported what had happened, but having seen their (lack of) action on other issues I wouldn't be holding my breath on that being the case.