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Plamen Kisov Match shedule disadvantage 07-06-2014,
04:06 PM

Cat Harrison They have done a lot to... 07-06-2014,
04:21 PM

spornybol i feel the pain BUT at least... 07-06-2014,
04:46 PM

Siddharth Shanker Singh I think we should demand for... 07-06-2014,
06:52 PM

Buffs Mad All sounds nice in theory. ... 07-06-2014,
09:37 PM

tarcanes92 Nordeus wants me to play the... 07-07-2014,
09:23 AM

Cat Harrison I cannot, but Nordeus Support... 07-10-2014,
05:22 PM

Jonas Petersen I just checked my entire... 07-10-2014,
05:39 PM

Mo Avengers you can have mine for $3. 07-10-2014,
06:09 PM
Match shedule disadvantage
OK I don't get it when I face Thailand players I always play on there time zone here in Bulgaria in 10 A.M. its nearly 2 P.M. there ,but my matches agaist Bulgarians or near contries are - 3, 4, 5 P.M. huh I'M working man how I'm soposed to suport my team when I have to be at work in that time ?! Why the clock is not set to be at least 6-7 P.M. so everybody should be able to support their teams, after work, after school ?! And why Thailand players get advantage to play against me on their time zone so even if I have day of should wake up early to support my team?! I use every chance to watch my team becouse I'm not don't get boosters, my set subs are not using forcing injuries and If I wont to change 1 match time I should pay ?! I would pay but if that grants me all season long aprocsimate time I would change my country to try switch that time but I cant so I cant realy play just train my team that with 5 stars couldn't defeat 1 star players if I dont watch the game even on my own stadium!
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