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  • 2 Post By Siddharth Shanker Singh
  • 3 Post By Buffs Mad

Thread: Does this happens with NORDEUS only ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA

    Does this happens with NORDEUS only ???

    I am wondering !!! Why when ever NORDEUS tries to make the game better it becomes more worse......

    Like :

    The Transfer Market : They tried to create a better more friendly Transfer Market but failed miserably...

    The New Commentary : Tried to introduce a more detailed and elaborate commentary but it went even more horribly wrong then the New Transfer Market...

    This can be because the updates made by NORDEUS are motivated towards bring in more cash but then the commentary update was for user satisfaction but it also turned out be a disaster...

    The other reason can be that the peoples involved in the update of the game are not familiar with it or they do not take the pain to play the game...I am saying this because any person could have told that the commentaries are too long and unreadable in the short time duration...

    Or they are not doing any Beta Testing before introducing the new features...

    And the most important of all that we the forum members have became so much negative towards Nordeus that what ever update they come up with we neglect its advantages and its brighter side and only focus on its negative...

    We some how always succeed in finding negative thing in what ever update NORDEUS does......
    Last edited by Siddharth Shanker Singh; 08-06-2014 at 11:32 AM.
    pnr8555 and Pete Cresswell like this.

  2. #2
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I can't understand why folks are going overboard on the commentary debacle - well, actually I can, its an easy target.

    Its absolutely nothing like the transfer market, higher level league draws, Scout cost imbalance etc and nowhere near as important. It is off putting to new managers and amateurish but it doesn't directly affect your ability to compete or develop.

    Can we not chill a bit instead of having these multiple Commentary threads.

    But I'll say it again. Nordeus, if you want us to fix the text then give it to us instead of expecting us to keep a window open for what feels like forever. Don't hope we see it all, make sure of it by chopping up the commentary in to pieces, group them, mark the linked text and post it.