even though i was promoted from level 19 and should have been placed in a level 20 league like all my friends were instead i was promoted to a level 21 league where the other 13 teams are all level 21, I am actually enjoying it as i know that they are probably annoyed and thought i`d be a walk over, well i`v proved them wrong and i beat league leader`s today 2-0,
I am a stubborn sod ( just ask Nordues and bring old transfer market thread) i have also installed into the player`s NEVER GIVE UP and my record stands at won 3 - drawn 4 - lost 2
Now what Nordeus needs to do for teams that suddenly move to a level above their own is improve the market, yes we can get scout`s for that level but seriously that 550 tokens for 11 player`s to compete, what they need to do is let us buy from transfer market for that level not the level we are suppose to be in.