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Thread: Can you sell 6 starred players?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Can you sell 6 starred players?

    ı wonder if anyone has recently sold his trained 6 starred player on market?

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    yes if there are players of better level in your server.....

    teams of +1 level than you.... see the 6* player as a 5*...

    +2 levels as a 4*.....

    and continue...

    whats your level mate?^^

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    ı m just lv 8 m8..ı wanted to sell one of my 6 star mcs which really pissed me off with his very poor performance..its been 2 days but got no offers yet

  4. #4
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Wisconsin, USA
    The transfer market only shows you 3-5 star players

    Level 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup Titles
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  5. #5
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mekale View Post
    ı m just lv 8 m8..ı wanted to sell one of my 6 star mcs which really pissed me off with his very poor performance..its been 2 days but got no offers yet

    Try again, I too had to try some times in my level 3 team.... but finally I sell him... too depend of the hour, so, prove^^

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    yep,ı ll keep trying to sell him

  7. #7
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    Yes it is *harder* to sell them because it is only levels above that see him, and of course an MC is harder still because there are always many to choose from, and if he has bad ratings, he won't look like much of an upgrade to the managers that see him for sale.

    At worst you might have to wait till next season day one to sell him. I would train the living heck out of him and add to his physical a bit and see if his play improves. And continue training him so he has chance to improve and improves chances of selling him!
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  8. #8
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    I sold a 6* crap DMC on first try (although he had additional roles)

    Note: He had very poor season stats but the buyer was quick to bid and also quick to resubmit him on the market almost immediately. I could only assume he was taking a chance on wiping the stats in the hope of attracting multiple bids. Unfortunately I couldn't track a 6* player and my Friends Request was rejected so no idea if it was a cunning plan or if he had just lost his mind.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffs Mad View Post

    I sold a 6* crap DMC on first try (although he had additional roles)

    Note: He had very poor season stats but the buyer was quick to bid and also quick to resubmit him on the market almost immediately. I could only assume he was taking a chance on wiping the stats in the hope of attracting multiple bids. Unfortunately I couldn't track a 6* player and my Friends Request was rejected so no idea if it was a cunning plan or if he had just lost his mind.
    Hehe,,Im not lucky like u..till now not yet can sell that crap...only throw him at bench...might lost 33mil plus some compensation to sack him so I can get another player..huhuhu

  10. #10
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I sold 2 of my 6 star duffers with terrible stats and they went at first attempt. I too wondered how they show up but that question has now been answered by Khris above.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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