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Thread: I think you must agree that there is something wrong with cup draw

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    I think you must agree that there is something wrong with cup draw

    I hate to be one of those guys that say this is unfair ... total BS and so ... But you have to admit that this is truly unbelievable cup draw, happened to me twice so far last season and now this season too. Take a look at the screen shots below

    I think you must agree that there is something wrong with cup draw-untitled660.jpg

    I think you must agree that there is something wrong with cup draw-untitled661.jpg

    I think you must agree that there is something wrong with cup draw-untitled659.jpg

    I think you must agree that there is something wrong with cup draw-untitled658.jpg

    Will I be lucky tomorrow? We will see, though shouldn't the cup draw to select teams with equal quality to begin with?

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Thats because you are near the top server... so less teams.. and... these situations... I had level 15 and cup level 19 last season.... and I tanked 4 seasons so this time there are more teams and is more = of Quality