just curious..i dont get it..please help..i have 3 players who have the highest quality in my team but i noticed that the 3 of them have the lowest form every game.. sometimes form 4, sometimes 5
just curious..i dont get it..please help..i have 3 players who have the highest quality in my team but i noticed that the 3 of them have the lowest form every game.. sometimes form 4, sometimes 5
Could be a whole number of reasons. What's their morale like before the game ? Are they playing in their correct position ? Have you tried dropping them for a couple of games then play them ? Perhaps your formation / tactics doesn't suit them. What are they like in friendlies ? It would be helpful to see a screenshot of their stats and abilities as well as team formation.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 133
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
i always make sure that they are playing in correct position, condition and moral is very good/superb...win or lose their form still low..highest form they got so far is 5 in match..and 6 in friendlies... formations that i use so far with them playing are
4-4-2 classic, 4-3N-2W-1, 4-5-1 flat and V formation.
You can add me in facebook
are you talking about your midfield? I have noticed that my MC's (also MR and ML) performing really really bad this season. They usually getting 4-6 rating - I'm playing 3-1-2-3w, narrow diamond or V-style usually. I even replaced my MR with another one - but nothing. I heard that sometimes they perform better if you put them on other position yeah but what to do with MC ..I think its all about luck. Next season I will focus on checking players ratings before I buy, only problem is you cant see at very first day -.- oh and some say you should keep those 18/19yo players because there is always chance that they'll perform better next season.
there is no logic in this game,things are going on at random
ive got a couple MCs that havent been great the last couple seasons averaging 5 or 6 but ive stuck with them and now performing well with 7 or 8 consistantly. inearly sold them but glad i stuck it out.
is related to how much good he did during a match .. often players carry on good form to next matches so you need to give it good attention , sometimes i play a player in form over better players skills wise
my team @ http://forum.topeleven.com/team-show...ears-fc-2.html
League : winner (S1, S2, S3, S6, S7) , runner up (S4*, S5*) * was in holiday away
CL: Winner (S4, S7), runner up (S2, S3, S5, S6)
Cup: Winner (S3)
if it is a constant issue then sell them. just because they have the highest quality does not mean they are the best players to use
RETIREDLevel 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup TitlesServer 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought