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  • 1 Post By RJSlow
  • 2 Post By Cat Harrison

Thread: No :(

  1. #1
    Apprentice Crister's Avatar
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    Mar 2014

    No :(

    I can't stand this hard trolling anymore.
    I lost 3-1 in the first leg of Cup. My opp had only 3 chances throughout the match,so he scored 2 goals from distance and 1 goal from 1 vs 1 situation.
    And me... Four 1 vs 1 situations with my best striker(6 stars norgen with very high attacking stats) and only scored 1 time and missed the target 3 times and 1 corner and my player missed the header. Just can't believe it!!!

  2. #2
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Wisconsin, USA
    Its the cup, stuff like that always happens
    Philip L. Willis likes this.

    Level 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup Titles
    Server 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought

  3. #3
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    I have noticed that too, Cup seems more likely to get trolled. Maybe it's because the dice roll is so different when there's teams of different levels? I dunno, but I generally try to not be too disappointed about Cup and try to win the other trophies.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  4. #4
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    CUP Troll

    The trolling in the CUP seems to be a early-on-event, as you watch it to its finish, the active strongest teams win almost every time. The earlier the rounds, the deadlier the trolling. Its rare to see the weakest teams make it to the finals through and win the CUP.
    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

  5. #5
    Famous shwanko07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Harrison View Post
    I have noticed that too, Cup seems more likely to get trolled. Maybe it's because the dice roll is so different when there's teams of different levels? I dunno, but I generally try to not be too disappointed about Cup and try to win the other trophies.
    happened to me only in final facing far weaker side and losing in penalties 3-0 !!!
    it was hilarious how we kept missed chances
    my team @
    League : winner (S1, S2, S3, S6, S7) , runner up (S4*, S5*) * was in holiday away
    CL: Winner (S4, S7), runner up (S2, S3, S5, S6)
    Cup: Winner (S3)

  6. #6
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shwanko07 View Post
    happened to me only in final facing far weaker side and losing in penalties 3-0 !!!
    it was hilarious how we kept missed chances
    My S218 team lost today in cup on penalties. At least my main team on S4 is still in cup...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Bratislava, Slovakia
    I dont know... its funny for me... first 10 seaons I couldnt win the cup... within last 4 seasons I have won it 3 times easily .... beating much stronger opponents by Q 8-10 stronger than my team ..... but trolling happened, so true.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Bratislava, Slovakia
    oh and.... I lost home match 1-2 this season but managed to beat **** ouf of the opposition in away game .... and won 3-1 after extra time so there is still chance to win it this season although I wouldl like to win champions league this time please....

  9. #9
    Famous Raykco's Avatar
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    London, England
    When my cup draw first came out, I was slightly better than my higher level opponent (132.0 v 131.4). By the time the first leg started at his ground, he had obviously added on his saved sp's so he was then 134.8 and better than me. I won 2-1. For today's second game, he had gone up even more (136.2). I beat him 1-0 to go through 3-1. Guess he manipulated the draw to give him an easier competition, but he came unstuck. Great to be the winning underdog.

    Olympic Stadium...East London

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