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  • 1 Post By SuperDunk
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Thread: What is happening in the game ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA

    What is happening in the game ???

    Since last month weird things have started to happen in the game...

    1) Legal formation giving only 20% ball possession...
    2) Illegal formation are not resulting into 20% ball possession...
    3) Yesterday I did a Stretching of my players but instead of losing 3% condition they gained 3% condition...
    4) Allocated skill point to SA and the players value increased...
    5) Cannot bid for players in the second round, the bid button got jammed...
    6) Some transfer market have only Nordeus Gen with auction time of only 2 minutes...
    7) In some market there are lots of player with 3 position...

  2. #2
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Maybe a bug....who knows....

  3. #3
    Famous BeckStar's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    3) Yesterday I did a Stretching of my players but instead of losing 3% condition they gained 3% condition...
    you sure it wasnt those 5% u gain every 3 hours ? uhm
    4) Allocated skill point to SA and the players value increased...
    Always been..
    6) Some transfer market have only Nordeus Gen with auction time of only 2 minutes...
    Happenes often when there was a wave of nordgens in the first day or on a day when scout come in, you just log in and seen 2mil left, that's cause most of them had same ending time ? also happenes on last day of the season

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lucknow, INDIA
    Quote Originally Posted by BeckStar View Post
    3) Yesterday I did a Stretching of my players but instead of losing 3% condition they gained 3% condition...
    you sure it wasnt those 5% u gain every 3 hours ? uhm
    4) Allocated skill point to SA and the players value increased...
    Always been..
    6) Some transfer market have only Nordeus Gen with auction time of only 2 minutes...
    Happenes often when there was a wave of nordgens in the first day or on a day when scout come in, you just log in and seen 2mil left, that's cause most of them had same ending time ? also happenes on last day of the season
    No its was not that 3 hour condition gain...No the value never increases when we allocate skill point to SA...But see some guys post in the forum., they are constantly getting auction times of 2 minutes......
    Mohamed Sultan likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lucknow, INDIA

  6. #6
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    1) weird...
    2) that happens random in recent time...
    3) mysterious influence of Indian religions is present
    4) why is that weird, so much sp spent and value should be same? no, there should be difference
    5) I have same problem, sometimes need to refresh page after initial round bid before 1st round ends
    6) at least they have 'em, some members haven't seen nordgens few seasons...
    7) that is not problem

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Lucknow, INDIA
    Yeah, its weird because Training SA doe not results in increase of players value...

  8. #8
    Dreamer El Duderino's Avatar
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    1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Nordeus programmers, that's what happened

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Beni Suef, Egypt
    Nordeus is afk please try to call later
    Server 52

  10. #10
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    No the value never increases when we allocate skill point to SA
    Yes, I agree with Sid. Last season I gave one ST "one-to-one" SA but his value stayed the same.

    I played a match with my 2nd team (wanted to lose) : 6 players out of position, I watched the game, there was another supporter to the other team (actually it was me again - "traitor" ) , pos. 26-74 .
    The logic conclusion says 20-80 +8% for my support -2% traitors support.
    Second leg, without ST, 22-78 .

    Forgot to tell, yesterday morning, checking the market, no 1st class nordgen. Log in few minutes later one expensive nordgen whose action ended after 9' min (I got him). Same today
    Now I have to do it every day. Double check the market.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 10-21-2014 at 04:34 PM.
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