Inspired by the hall of fame threath lol (whatever a threath is ) ?
Do you have a player who consistently lets your team down ???
It may have cost you the price of an ice cream or 1.000.000 norwegian bucks but come on shame him LOL
Inspired by the hall of fame threath lol (whatever a threath is ) ?
Do you have a player who consistently lets your team down ???
It may have cost you the price of an ice cream or 1.000.000 norwegian bucks but come on shame him LOL
Ps my avatar picture is Rowland !!!!!!!!!!!
I had this season in O.M.A. MC who constantly had form rating 4-5, 6 was highest. When I sold him and his another bad CM mate, my team juped from 9th to 4th place with new mildfield. I don't like to sell 1st team players because of bad form, but sometimes we just have to do it.
Lol we all shout shame
I had a striker called Ian rush should have called him Ian snail lol shame !
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Rowland Is the Fat conTROLLer
Why the FU*K I was only banned when there are so many Trollers around...
This is racism Top Eleven...Because I am from India and black you will ban me for Trolling...I want answer from you admin......
I have a player named Kur*a he always spits on opposition players and some times even on his team mates...And constantly gets a rating of 3......
I also have a player named 10_Standard...I taught him BANNING Special Ability and since then he keeps on banning my team players and manager...