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Thread: PROBLEM: Assignement of new skill point not allowed

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    It can happen, if there is another offer before the previous one expire...

    Looks like Nordeus screwed this up... Players playing on mobile have their players show up on nego and no way to interact with it what bad joke is this...

    The only way to fix that now is logging in through a PC (flashplayer version) I'm afraid. Or until those trying to buy your player give up.
    Cat Harrison likes this.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Amane Ito View Post
    It can happen, if there is another offer before the previous one expire...

    Looks like Nordeus screwed this up... Players playing on mobile have their players show up on nego and no way to interact with it what bad joke is this...

    The only way to fix that now is logging in through a PC (flashplayer version) I'm afraid. Or until those trying to buy your player give up.
    bad thing!

    however, thank you so much, you have been very kind and clear!

  3. #13
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Yes, you can't see negotiations in the mobile phone and you'd never know what was going on if you had not come here.

    That tells you a lot about the credibility of this "game".

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    North Carolina
    Is your team phone or facebook based?

    If it is facebook based, you can easily login on a PC through facebook and cancel the negotiations.

    If your team is phone based, you can't login in through a PC. But, you can link your phone team to a facebook account. Go to the friends option and attempt to add friends through your facebook account. Then you will be allowed to link the two together.
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