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Thread: WTF about transfert (since last season)?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Story 10dollars = 4kg wheat !
    My usual supermarket to buy 10 dollars is 4 kg of wheat. until one day I bought 10 dollars wheat but that day they sold me 240kg! Surprisingly I hastily add 20 dollars to buy wheat and they sold me a total of 480kg. Next I used to donate all the wheat and then they sue me, demanding I pay back the wheat it. The question is who is right?
    (Buy tokens in Top Eleven Vietnam)

  2. #12
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Wow, why forum staff will always stand for Nordeus even when there are so many people describing the same issue in many threads.

    Things that happen in this mode:

    We get pitted against highly competitive databases in a merged market full of token buyers from other servers (you can't even add them as friends) who won't let us get a player without spending 20/30/40 tokens!!! By the last days of the season any 20 years old player will still go up to 10 rounds.

    Your auctions get listed for periods of 55 to 70 minutes, except during server maintenance. Many of these get listed as ghosts that no one ever sees, thus no one buys them, so people have to sack these players and spend more tokens to buy cash.

    When this mode is up and running, all player stats are invisible.

    Nordeus has many types of databases with different types of leagues according to player profiles (spenders, occasional spenders, farmers, occasional free players, etc). In the leagues full of savers, people start to stock up piles of tokens and they just stay there using resources without spending a penny. So Nordeus do this for a month or two in some servers and move on to others. It gets so hard, that many will be faced with a spend-or-stay-behind situation.

    I'm level 22 now and my market is back to normal after a month choking in this mode.

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