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  • 1 Post By aeasao

Thread: Observation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    I moved to level 2 from 1. Obviously players got older 1 year. But Ii have noticed that each game and training cycle give more percentages of leveling up. Is that so? Why? Do you get more with higher level? Logic suggested that older players get less percentages.

  2. #2
    Newbie aeasao's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Dumaguete City, Stockholm, Oslo
    You are right that with age players training gain slows down. Especially the jump from 21 to 22 years makes a big difference. The star quality of a players also makes a difference. For eksampel, a 5* player in level 1 is 24 quality. In level 2 he is still 24 quality, but now he gains training points as a 4* players. I believe this is what you experience.

    Unassigned skillpoints also affects the star-rating and quality of a player. So if you have a player that is close to the next star, it could be a good idea to invest all the training points in a special ability or new position as soon as you get them. I have a player that had unassigned skill points, and his training gain decreased, once I invested them in a special ability he regained his previous training speed.

    When Stavrakakis was a 4* player with unassigned skill points (making him a 5* player in the eyes of the code) he gained around 25%, 60%, 85% when I trained him on three bars (that is high intensive training = power training). When I assign the skill points to special ability, making him a 4* player again, he regained a training speed like 35%, 75%, 120%. Quite a difference!

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