What the Meaning of Nordgnes ?
A players with High Prices ? ;
Why Are they Spiecal
What the Meaning of Nordgnes ?
A players with High Prices ? ;
Why Are they Spiecal
coz they are fast trainers
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
More Explain If you Can
they are very rare so catch them if u can, they are more expensive then the others and train much faster so these are the best players to buy.
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
May I ask: how do you identify them ? Thx
People talk about many different things as NordGens.
NordGens are players that are generated by Bot Teams and put on the Market from the start of the game day to ensure a decent supply of players - they can be young high value fast trainers, high quality players, old or young, fat or thin, players with SAs and even players with 'impossible' SAs (such as Striker with Dribbler or Winger with Defensive Wall lol).
Although, most of the time its young fast trainers ppl ae talking about which can be characterised by being 18yo, with around the highest market value and owned by bot clubs such as FC Happy, AC Brightly, Lazy AC etc etc. To confirm after you've bought someone whether they are NordGen you need to click on Team Name in the Mail - it it says information not available then....
There are plenty of threads on identifying them and links to lists of High Market Value for each level.
EDIT - There's a link to Market Values in this thread just a few down the list. http://forum.topeleven.com/top-eleve...6-nordgen.html
Last edited by Buffs Mad; 01-20-2015 at 03:27 PM.
First clue: they're hideously expensive.
Second clue: They're 18 years old.
Third clue: They have a ridiculous club name.
This last one might take some explaining. You know how on your Manager tab, there's that list of "Clubs Seeking Manager"? Here's the current list it's offering me:
FC Nappy
FC Tidy
Exclusive FC
AC Scabby (Yes, really. "AC Scabby". Scabby!)
FC Gleaming
Tidy FC
So if you see a ridiculously expensive 18-year-old being offered by AC Scabby, he was generated by Nordeus, he's a "Nordgen," and you should break the bank to get him.
Hope that helps.
Thanx A lot
Sorry for my Bad English
But People Like you Make this Game Great
or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a Nordgen lol a super player with great looks !!!!!! and a sexy body lol
Ps my avatar picture is Rowland !!!!!!!!!!!