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Thread: Negotiations

  1. #11
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Ok. Rough example: Let say some buyer has opportunity to buy player who needs 13 skill points for scout for 1T and has opportunity to send you offer that in start costs 8-10T + additional tokens he wants to offer to you. Why would he spend soo much? Is that small sp difference valuabe soo much?
    On high level auctions you can buy various good players for 1T because there is no active managers which would bid.
    I'm not saying that negotiations Q player aren't valuable, but you can't expect to sell player with equally good offer on high level and low level.
    Besides that, don't forget on form. Even scouts or stronger players are useless if form is under 7 so those few skill points don't make great difference.
    I've bought this season 9 fast trainers and few oldies and spent ~20T on all transfers. Now those fast trainers have 6* (3 players) and 7* (6 players). I've once bought player through negotiations 2 seasons ago and I'll never do it again.
    Ex top eleven player

  2. #12
    Dreamer seanmeg's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Southampton, England
    [QUOTE=t11_fan;321077]Ok. Rough example: Let say some buyer has opportunity to buy player who needs 13 skill points for scout for 1T and has opportunity to send you offer that in start costs 8-10T + additional tokens he wants to offer to you. Why would he spend soo much? Is that small sp difference valuabe soo much?

    Yes it can,sometimes you may need a dozen run through on 3 bars too accumalate the 12 skillpoint difference in your example,this meaning you might have to add at least 2-3 greens every run (x12) and if unlucky you might get 15 red injury,ive had more than 1 before, so that small sp difference can be very very much valueable

  3. #13
    Rookie dicky's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    i ignore form its irrelevant. i have have sold bad players for me who go to there next team in my league and perform well.

    i believe a player is reset when they go to new teams and at the beginning of a new season, which explains why good players go bad and then good again in the next season..

    why would i sell a good quality for 2..3 tokens. id rather sell them in the market and get more money.

    it all depends on your server/transfer market i guess. if you did actually buy 9 good players for 20 tokens then your lucky no one is playing on your server! 1 good player on my server will go for 15 tokens minimum
    Arsenal for 3rd... a cheeky tenner says so!

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