Decided last night that I was a bit bored with my current team. They were all low to mid 4 star, in the last year of their contracts and while solid, were starting to fade after a few years in my team. As a result I decided I was going to get rid of every single player in my team and rebuy new players.
With the new scout market up and running I noticed I had a lot more option for players than before. I think on the old market you had 22 scouts all at 50 Tokens each. Now my scout list looks to be around 40 in number, ranging from 39 up to 69 Tokens per person. I decided to look at the youngest and best players on the list, most of which were between 59 and 69 tokens to bring into my team and in the end I brought 9 scouts in for various prices.
While dipping in and out of the scout market I also used the negotiations list to bring in a further 5 players. I topped my recruitment spree off by signing the remaining players off the open market.
With 21 players signed up (I am still on the look out for another Goalkeeper, however I'm in no rush to add one as its a position that never gets sent off and one where I have plenty of packs to cover injuries) I then decided the next best thing to do was to power train my new recruits.
This is the end result, after my purchases and power training -
Current stats after all this -
254M cash
11,675 Tokens
861 Red
953 Blue
7 Green
21.6 average age
6 star 152.5 average.