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Thread: Problems with Top Eleven Tokens?

  1. #1
    Rookie Krishna Sadhana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Problems with Top Eleven Tokens?

    Hi guys, first of all I would like to wish you all luck for the new season

    Now onto the more important matters, for the past two days I've been trying to earn tokens through downloading apps into my phone, but strangely after a few minutes of usage my tokens haven't been added yet (usually they're added the moment I open the app). I'm using Supersonic Ads and Tokenads by the way and I've already contacted support. Is there something wrong with the providers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Supersonic sometimes is delays, and sometimes never pays.

    Some providers are just not reliable, if you consistently aren't getting your aware, find another.

  3. #3
    Rookie Krishna Sadhana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Yeah, thought so. Usually use Supersonic cause it sometimes pays immediately, but now I think they're just too damn lazy to pay my tokens lol

    I also use Tapjoy, and strangely they won't pay my tokens as frequently as they use to do...

  4. #4
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    The only way to solve this issue is to contact them via email. Good luck!
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  5. #5
    Rookie Krishna Sadhana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Already did that and they gave me my tokens. thank you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Token Ads seem to be having an issue as there are no offers available, which is a tad concerning as I get my videos from there to build my tokens.
    Rhondda Rovers (The Rebirth) - Season 5, Level 3

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  7. #7
    Famous kynan's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Watching videos for Tokens seems to be more fool proof than downloading apps if you are wanting guaranteed tokens.

    You can farm up to 50 tokens a day from watching videos (It caps after that). With apps you are lucky to get one or two new apps a week now I find - which will probably only give you 10 tokens at most for downloading. I still download them anyway, but its not my number one source of farming any more.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    "You can farm up to 50 tokens a day from watching videos (It caps after that)."

    how? u livin' in UK i suppose

    I'm from Hungary and guess what we have nothing (oops bull**** all the time)

  9. #9
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kynan View Post
    Watching videos for Tokens seems to be more fool proof than downloading apps if you are wanting guaranteed tokens.

    You can farm up to 50 tokens a day from watching videos (It caps after that). With apps you are lucky to get one or two new apps a week now I find - which will probably only give you 10 tokens at most for downloading. I still download them anyway, but its not my number one source of farming any more.
    Yeah, that is surely not the case for Danish residents, and a lot other contries i figure. I think the offers are very dependent on players location
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

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  10. #10
    Famous kynan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    Yeah, that is surely not the case for Danish residents, and a lot other contries i figure. I think the offers are very dependent on players location
    Since posting about this, the UK market has got a lot meaner.

    There is only about a 45 min window now, which opens a little after 1AM UK time - and is closed again between 1.45 and 2AM. With that in mind, you have to be right on it to farm any serious tokens. When the vids are a few mins long you are lucky if you can farm an extra 3 or 4 tokens. At the moment the vid is 30 seconds long and if I am lucky I can get around 20-25 a day now, but in all honesty, that's only on a good day and its not worth the effort for me any more as Im over 13,000 tokens. Add to the fact that 1AM isn't the most sociable time of the day, (Im almost always awake due to work commitments) its just not feasible or practical for people to really farm much any more.

    My main target now is watching videos from Facebook (and off my Iphone and my Ipad) for top eleven money seeing as the cap has now been removed. I can watch vids throughout the day and they are never longer than 40 seconds tops, so unlike the farming its possible to get more than a few a day. So far this season I've been able to more than cover my wages every day by watching videos, leading to my cash to grow very quickly, which will serve me well as I get higher up, as its well documented that money becomes a major issue.

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