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Thread: Bicycle Kick Comment

  1. #1
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Bicycle Kick Comment

    This comment has really annoyed me since its introduction but only now (cos I'm bored while waiting for a tardy gas-man) have a decided to post.

    Success for this action (usually "blah closely marked" "blah tries spectacular bicycle kick") appears to be followed comments like "X is clean through" or (not seen it for a while but....)"X recovers the ball". Failure is usually a tackle or a block.

    I consider the chance of someone trying a bicycle kick recovering the ball to be negligible. It would, to me. appear to make more sense if "X tries to turn his marker" or "X spins and turns" or anything similar was used.

    Unfortunately, I've not captured or noted the exact text so I've paraphrased.

    I'm bored and I've no real desire to suggest or demand a particular change but please change it as comment seems to have no relevance to the action or following actions

    Edit - PS. If a dev come up with this as a favourite comment then I's suggest reapplying it to an event that produces a shot a bit like the half-volley scenario. But it should be a rare one. That will keep them happy.
    Last edited by Buffs Mad; 03-19-2015 at 11:36 AM. Reason: PS

  2. #2
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    One more in-game nonsense series of comments just like non favoured free kick postition for either footed FK taker or team in attack (team which is on opponents half of pitch) starts counterattack. If I met programmers I would ask them if they ever watched football match. It seems like they had read on wikipedia what is football and then tried to make football manager game.
    Ex top eleven player

  3. #3
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t11_fan View Post
    One more in-game nonsense series of comments just like non favoured free kick postition for either footed FK taker or team in attack (team which is on opponents half of pitch) starts counterattack. If I met programmers I would ask them if they ever watched football match. It seems like they had read on wikipedia what is football and then tried to make football manager game.
    I got the feeling in past few games they switched of the right and left side comments that were also wrong sometimes (but ofc I could just have missed it) but yes the either footed but "wrong side" one remains.
    Gert Funck and Kylos like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    My close to 500 goal striker has failed in every single one of his 'spectacular bicycle kick' attempts, if he can't do it no-one can!!!
    I also get annoyed with the 'counter-attack' comment that turns into 'runs on the side'. I don't think a goal has ever come about from that either.
    Buffs Mad likes this.

  5. #5
    Dreamer ElPocho's Avatar
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    12 seasons never scored with a Bicycle Kick ,never saw a goal canceled because offside
    Buffs Mad and belal salah like this.

  6. #6
    Rookie Fail G's Avatar
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    If you think it's weird how players can do bicycle kicks here in strange situations...have you ever played Fifa? :P Literally every defender can do this and has been able to for as long as I can remember (5 years )
    Buffs Mad likes this.

  7. #7
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fail G View Post
    If you think it's weird how players can do bicycle kicks here in strange situations...have you ever played Fifa? :P Literally every defender can do this and has been able to for as long as I can remember (5 years )
    Yeah, and there's the donkey kick too, but he doesn't get up and collect the ball from his bicycle kick.

    There will never imo be a goal from a t11 bicycle kick because it seems unlikely that its ever an actual attempt on goal - I believe its an incorrectly attributed comment.

    Regarding 'no goals ruled offsides" I'd say you had 3 goals ruled offside in your last match. If you don't get a comment you don't know but not being told if something happened is not the same as it not happening.

    The commentary is not the game - its just a bit of descriptive fluff (with hopefully some feedback in it) for immersion purposes. They could change the commentary text "Tips it over the bar!" to "The Goalkeeper dives the wrong way and is swallowed by a Giant Pitch-worm" (which is similar to what happened when the changed all the comments) but there would still be +1 on the Saves and a CK would occur. Text change is not Event change.

    My only point here is can we have a 'comment' thats more relevant to the action? Swivel or turn or flick or something similar seems more appropriate.

  8. #8
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    My players only seem to use Bicycle kicks for passing

    Rutine finish are amound the favorite shots on my team.
    kindda boring too
    Buffs Mad and Kylos like this.
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  9. #9
    Dreamer ElPocho's Avatar
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    loooool you are so right , how the h*** can all defenders in fifa do a Bicycle Kick all the times .Also they make me mad when they shoot the ball directly from my players feet without even getting it first .
    t11_fan and Buffs Mad like this.

  10. #10
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    My players only seem to use Bicycle kicks for passing

    Rutine finish are amound the favorite shots on my team.
    kindda boring too
    Do you play on the mobile? I find mobile comments a bit more boring than on my PC. They are certainly different. Many times when my Supporters fail to turn up to balance the massed ranks against me I've logged on both (damn cheater *blushes*) and on the PC it says "ripples the side of the net" or "hits outside of the post" or "is narrowly wide" or a few more but on mobile its a boring "wide" most of the time.

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