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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    New player training help

    Is training pointless unless you want 8* or 9* and are personal trainers pointless full stop?

    If you need a 5* player isn't it best to buy one?

    If you need a 6* player isn't it best to buy a 5* with 24 quality and then use a green pack or 2 to train him to 6*? I've watched dozens of auctions for young 5* aprox 24 quality players and normally they go for between 1 and 3 tokens. Highest I saw was 5 tokens.

    If you need a 7* player isn't it best to buy a 6* scout for 64 tokens and use a green pack or 2 to train him to 7* Even trading tokens for cash it still must be cheaper

    Is there ever a time before 7* for training, beyond a few skill points to gain a star? Is there ever a time for personal training?

    To gain 75 skill points must cost 50-75+ green packs? That would cost 46-70+ tokens assuming no injuries.

    With training theres no cash needed but watching adverts can get you 80k to 120k a day and money seems to be easier to get and more useful than green packs.

    Am I missing something. I see stuff about power training and dont get the point? Any info would be great as I must be missing something.


  2. #2
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    It is always best to buy players closest to 6 stars, and no it is NEVER wise to use personal trainer. It will always be cheaper to power train your player.

    As soon as a player pases 6 star his progress will be drastical reduced and even more 7 and 8 If you go so far. In my opinion it would be a waste of Tokens.

    I have no profe but I think the progress is reduced by 50 % for each star you progres. this makes it very expencive to get higher than 7 star players
    Last edited by Gert Funck; 03-21-2015 at 09:36 PM. Reason: Ten thumbs
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  3. #3
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    Power training is repeatedly training using green packs. It is most useful on younger players and the 3* is faster gain than 4* and so on like mentioned above.

    But it can be useful to give extra training to players you want to keep longer in your team.

    Personal training is only useful if you have a whole lot of tokens.
    Gert Funck likes this.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Hi thanks Gert and Cat. As I've only been playing a few days I've stupidly spent quite a few Million on 5* players who are 75 skill points from 6*. Is it worth training them to 6* or try and sell them on and buy players who are a few skill points from 6*. They're all 18 and only cost 1 token (probably as no one else wanted someone 75 points from the next *). But the attacking players can't stop scoring. Played 3 games and won 5-0, 3-0 and 5-0. Obv I don't want to sell them, but at some point are they going to be useless as its not worth training?


  5. #5
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    I would keep your players for awhile, see how they do, and only sell the guys that aren't performing. A five star player is very good, you don't need all Scouts if you just started playing. Don't spend a bunch on T until you have played awhile and get the hang of how it works. I made the mistake of improving my team too much early on and I've never been in my own level Cup.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Any young player is valuable for low level, you should keep them at least until they stop constantly producing good rating.

    If you keep them for 2 seasons and sell them third year you will end up with several times more cash than you paid for them the whole time.
    Gert Funck and Cat Harrison like this.

  7. #7
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Yes, like already said
    buy 18-19 yeared, and buy the most expencive ones, because they progress fastest. I can't remember the prices at this level, but if two players have compareable skills and one of them is more expencive, then he will train faster.

    Hope this helps you to some of your many questions

    If a player scores all the time, so for the love of ... keep him, I wish I had a player like that In the end, goals is what gives you the points
    Last edited by Gert Funck; 03-22-2015 at 08:30 AM.
    Cat Harrison likes this.
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  8. #8
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    You raise a whole host of issues that can be answered from a lot of different perspectives. I'll only try to answer the ones that jump out at me, from my perspective.

    For me Power Training is about speed. It gets the SP gains over a shorter period of time. I don't do it - I don't count a quick burst of 25 sp as power training. (I only do this short burst now because the mobile app allows it so easily.)

    Fast trainers, not necessarily power trained, again for me, are about longevity. To make training really worth it your player must improve from season to season while they can. That means them gaining more than 75sp per season. If you are prepared to buy new players each season then it probably makes no sense.

    I can only give an example. At the start of this Season I carried over 4 young Defenders. 1 was an 18 yo signed last season as a 79Q Nordgen. He's now 91Q 7*. I also had 2 that are now 22yo. 1 is 89Q (over 200 games), the other just turned 90Q (nearly 200 games). I had a 4th who was 23 yo who I knew was probably going to be sold and I had kept him at 84Q - and he was sold. These players, if good performers, can play over 200 games for my team. I could keep them longer, if they still perform, but I prefer to start again.

    Thats why I invest some farmed green packs in them at 18 yo. I'm not saying this is right, that I am great or you should do it but its what I do.

    Another aspect is resale value. If you buy near the next star players and they increase their Q then you want them to be the same 'near next star' Q. So the slower they gain the longer that will take or else you'll be trying to sell the players that you wouldn't ordinarily want to buy.

    However, I also buy 'near *' players who are cheap without a thought for age or value or training. I'm prepared to repeatedly buy n sell for some positions, chasing only the performance I want and ignoring all of the above.

    For me this just cuts down on the TM activity I need to do at the start of the Season and I can wait a bit longer.
    Last edited by Buffs Mad; 03-22-2015 at 09:26 AM. Reason: added last line & fixed some typos
    Cat Harrison and Davy Gravy like this.

  9. #9
    Apprentice Davy Gravy's Avatar
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    Yes, some good comments here.
    My 2 cents/pence.
    Avoid buying scouts (since the new system) like the plague.
    Power training is the way to go, but only when you have convinced yourself, he is a fast trainer/I want to keep him/ He has some good time remaining on contract. Power Training as Cat described is way faster on new system.
    Avoid Personal Training like the plague.
    I myself buy young very high 3's & 8's for a few reasons, less T wars, less likely that it is a more experienced player just flogging their 4's & 9's. But if you want Top end 5* wait till S4 for Negotiation. Now scout buys are useless, IMO best way if you are time poor.
    I mistakenly bought 100 T mid way through S1 & S2. Not for 16 seasons and I survive with 5 & 6* now Nord or mainly from Negotiation and have a combined results of 972W-186D-219L.
    These 'legends' with their 9* players have been "owned' when they play 35T league.
    You have done some good math Southampton and have some sound advice above from highly respected members.
    The law of diminishing returns definitely applies n T11.
    Hope you do well.
    Gert Funck and Cat Harrison like this.
    3 Teams - mid 40's, 40 & 40.
    1. CL position every team, every season
    2. Assn in Gold 1 or Platinum

  10. #10
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Thought I'd pick up on sp gain through the stars. The following is based on average figures, regardless of condition or morale, conducted over at least 20 repetitions of each training type at heach * (except for 4* data as the next star came after around 15 reps).

    In summary I found, at the time I did the tests, that training gains dropped around 20-25% through the stars.

    Training Log - Intensity = Hard

    Baxter 15T Academy Player MV 37Q=7.3; 46Q=12.7; 47Q=13.5
    4* 47/96/140
    5* 36/75/116 - %age change from previous star = 78/78/83
    6* 29/58/89 - %age change from previous star = 79/77/76

    Mackay 5* Market purchase MV 43Q=10.9; 46Q=12.9; 48Q=14.2
    6* 28/60/88 - %age change from previous star = 69/80/77

    Hutton 5* NordGen MV 45Q=10.2; 46Q=10.6; 47Q=11.4
    5* 38/79/117
    6* 28/59/87 - %age change from previous star = 74/75/74

    McGrain 5* Market MV 44Q=10.6
    5* 35/76/120

    Gemmill 5* NordGen MV 47Q=12.3
    6* 33/67/103

    On the Personal Trainer, its not for me. If my time was so tight that I needed to resort to it then it'd be too tight to be playing. I'd only be doing it if Kynan found a way to send me 10k T and even then I'd probably just spam on the mobile.

    And ofc picking up old guys can sometimes mean picking up ex-Scouts or players that've had an intensive training.

    I took a punt on the following guy this Season (because I was playing ST as winger at Day1). He started 84Q and he'll probably finish 84Q but he's been worth the 1T and cash paid already.

    I train to be competitive. My leagues are usually 6-7* and I'm never the highest Q (with last 2 seasons being an exception).

    Just find a way that suits your available time, aspirations and competition. There are many ways to entertained and frustrated by the game.

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