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  • 1 Post By Buffs Mad

Thread: wrong player position

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    wrong player position

    hey guys,
    i put one of my players in the wrong position, but for some positions i get a yellow triangle and for others red triangle. what is the difference

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    A player will have reduced ability if played on an unfamilar position.

    Yellow is a related position meaning the reduction of ability is low.

    Wrong position penalty is insignificant and it shouldn't be the first thing to worry about. Well-trained players can play in wrong position and still perform great.

  3. #3
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    The 'Yellow' are Related Positions referred to above. 'Red' are positions that a player is not recommended to play and which among other things produce a team possession penalty.


    A DR can play DR (Green); DMR or DC as a Related Position (Yellow); and anywhere else (Red) with a large'ish penalty.
    A DC/DR can play DC or DR (Green); DL or DMR as Related Position (Yellow); and anywhere else as Red.

    And without going into the red n green stuff an MC can play in any DMC or AMC slot as Related (Yellow).

    et etc

    PS. I think it takes 5 players (or was it 4) playing Out of Position (Red) to penalise your team with having only 20% possession.

    PPS My MCs can often make good DMCs and STs have been known to make good wingers. It comes down to individual players being good or bad + the position thing. Just mess around and see when the opportunity arises.

    PPPPPPPPPPS. Here's some pics in the other thread (where the colours were noticed prior to the announcement) where I used players in yellow positions in 1 match then in reds in the other. Disclaimer: friendlies can be freakish anyway. >.<
    Last edited by Buffs Mad; 03-23-2015 at 03:27 PM. Reason: Added PPS then added pppppppps
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