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Thread: top eleven survival guide

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    top eleven survival guide

    hey guys. i may ask questions, but this is a guide so that you can survive in top eleven. this is my trophy room.(im level 4,but i never won CL or cup)top eleven survival guide-untitled.jpg
    but i never completed an offer or used money for tokens.
    when you buy players buy 3 or 3 stars which are close to gaining their next star and the age should be 18-23. when you bid usually after 5-7 bids they give up, so just bid strongly with 7-15 T. be careful from bidders from these countries.
    Vietnam: they are the strongest in bidding
    Thailand: not as much as vietnamese, but are strong enough
    Turkey: They take the s**t from you
    Indonesia: you can bid, but stop if it reaches round 8
    when you buy substituts, buy 4 or 5 stars who are 29-33 years old.
    when your squad has no players who are 2 stars, do not add skill points. at the last day of the season, add all points.
    this all i know, if you have anything extra tell me please

  2. #2
    c58 is offline
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    i would disagree with your bidding. personally look at trends in transfer activity, ive been playing for 2 months and i have noticed a time of day when bidding is particularly slow im in the UK and have found after 6pm gmt its very busy also weekends, you have a better chance of winning players outside of this time.
    secondly if youve already bid 8 tokens why stop? its very rare you can win players in a bid for just 1 token. if youve spent 8 tokens then you may as well not waste those 8 and continue. everyone tries hard to be the last bidder in the qualifying round but thats not the best practice, if you can have someone bid after you it means you get the last bid in the rounds so if it goes on long you can get a last second bid in and snatch the player (ive done this multiple times)

    id also suggest not bidding on a player if you have less than 5 tokens. chances are you'll just get out bid
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  3. #3
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    once, i watched some biddings 18 years for 5 star(39 quality) who was 18 years old, the bidders were from Indonesia,Spain,England and India. at round 3 the English and Indian guys were out, at round 10 the spanish guy left, but the Indonesian guys went to round 20 and finally, a guy got him. so i added him as a friend. but 2 days later we were bidding against each other, with an american guy(who was out on round 1), and on round 3 he(the Indonesian) guy just left even though he was an 18 year old 4 star ST, so i realised that when the bidders are strong they dont take the risk and let you have what you want. and your timing i can agree cuz many people from Europe(England,Germany,Spain,Hungary,France) have the time zone, only 1-3 hours apart. And for the 5 tokens thing, i disagree cuz you can be lucky. Once i 3 star 18 year old GK and i spent 1 token. no body even went with me to start a bidding war. And cuz you been playing for 2 months, when you bid, dont buy players:
    with Known names(Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi)
    with a special ability
    Last edited by nickspeed4; 03-27-2015 at 08:20 PM. Reason: Spelling mistakes

  4. #4
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    Jan 2014
    I believe auction markets of different servers and different levels are different. To minimize tokens needed for bidding, you should observe, understand it, and then determine your strategy. There is no universal optimum number of tokens for each bid.

    In this season, I have 2 different level teams in the same server. The auction market for high level team is far tougher than that for low level team. As I checked earlier, in average I spent approximately 6 and 1.5 tokens to acquire one new player for the high level team & low level team respectively (including those tokens wasted in unsuccessful biddings). As I only got 35 tokens per season, my general strategy is spending maximum 3 tokens on each auction.

    Providing that cash is sufficient, we certainly prefer to acquire young players. But usually there are more competitions to acquire them. For my higher level team, I often have to focus to buy slightly older players because I lack tokens to compete for the most attractive young players.
    Cat Harrison likes this.

  5. #5
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Biddings are in my opinion very dependent on level and server.

    Ground rule, be careful of your tokens the first days of season, because this is like spring sale, everybody wants to buy the newest!

    In my level currently 28, there are very little bidding wars, and there is very few 5 star players, so it's kindda boring in the tranfer perspective
    Cat Harrison likes this.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Personally think it all depends on timing and who is around that particular window. Like C58, I live in the UK and the best time I have seen to bid is early morning (handy for me as I get up earlyish for work).

    My whole team was bought on 1T each (one as a hopeful punt as someone else bidded on him prior to me) and the team has just hit an overall average of 6* at level 1.
    Gert Funck and Cat Harrison like this.
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  7. #7
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    For me, it seems the best time to bid is after the daily reset when the nordgens are on the market. Nordeus floods the market and its really early in the European morning.

    Regarding countries, my server has a high volume of players from Turkey and Indonesia. The Turks definitely purchase a higher volume of tokens that the Indonesians. There a couple Indonesians that are either token buyers or token farmers. They always acquire a bunch of brand news player before the start of every season, but never use there scout list. The turks, however do turn to the scout list. Other than that.

    Behind them, the nations I've noticed have a few players are Romania, Poland and Thailand. From there, its sporadic.

    I've never come across a team from Vietnam!
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 03-27-2015 at 09:45 PM.
    Cat Harrison likes this.

  8. #8
    VIP pnr8555's Avatar
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    Malaysian and Polish bidders are among those countries with aggresive bidders.



  9. #9
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    My record is over 100 so run away from Romanians ))))

    Honestly I don't think you are right, just depend on players, usually I'm watching in the first 2,3 rounds to see their teams to make an idea about their budget.
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