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Thread: target injuries

  1. #1
    Dreamer Sully's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    target injuries

    Love how they injured my best 3 players in 2 days/2 games. Best GK, MC and ST.

    Again, I sense T11 is about to have 5 more bot accounts if they continue with this crap.

    Yes, I get that these 3 can get injured, but is it coincedence this happens in 2 days with a few games to go in a tight title race that I am winning?

    I let the 2/3 days go for the MC/Gk respectively, but the ST was 6 days and I need him as he is my ST with FK and the high scorer in the league. instant heal. watch this space to see how long before his ACL Tear relapses in the next 2 days.

  2. #2
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sully View Post
    Love how they injured my best 3 players in 2 days/2 games. Best GK, MC and ST.

    Again, I sense T11 is about to have 5 more bot accounts if they continue with this crap.

    Yes, I get that these 3 can get injured, but is it coincedence this happens in 2 days with a few games to go in a tight title race that I am winning?

    I let the 2/3 days go for the MC/Gk respectively, but the ST was 6 days and I need him as he is my ST with FK and the high scorer in the league. instant heal. watch this space to see how long before his ACL Tear relapses in the next 2 days.
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