Just curious, anyone having problems with not receiving win bonus for CL and Cup games? I'm getting the participation fee but not the bonus. I've logged the prob with Support.
Just curious, anyone having problems with not receiving win bonus for CL and Cup games? I'm getting the participation fee but not the bonus. I've logged the prob with Support.
It is a bit stupid the way they have it, win bonus is only for the winner of everything in cup or CL.
Rules and price screen really need to be updated.
Really, no. I'm at lvl 4. Just say, on my cup at the moment the prizemoney is 333k per match and 381k for the win, I should be getting both if I win. It's happening with my other managers also. Surely this is wrong, otherwise both managers of the game are getting the same prizemoney, win or lose.
It is confusing. You get the same prize money for reaching that round. The loser goes out and the winner gets to collect the prize money of the next round too once played + the opportunity to win and go further again.
In effect everyone in a round gets an equal share of the money but only winners progress and get more.
Its very badly presented..
Ah ok. Doh. Thankyou. Didn't think of that. Will keep an eye on it.
No... win bonus is NOT for winning a round...
Win bonus is what you get for winning 1st overall in the whole thing. Only 1 team gets this.
Thread is getting muddled.
For clarity my answer 'per round' was in response to the above.
The win prize is for winning the competition.
The per match prize is for participation.
Teams in a round get the same prize, the benefit for winning a round is that you will get the participation prize for the next round - the loser does not.
I wish that there was a bigger bonus for the winner and runner up than there is. It seems wrong that even with it only being one game you do not get more for winning than for getting to the semi finals.