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Thread: Getting Frustrated Now - any advice?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Getting Frustrated Now - any advice?

    Hi guys, this is my first post

    I've been playing for a couple of months now (season 4), and I must say I've really been enjoying it, up until now.

    In my first season I romped the league (it was a bit boring tbh) and didn't do well in the cup at all.

    Second season was a bit tougher, but I still won the league with a couple of games to go (much more interesting than the first season). I also won the Champions league, but again, fell very short in the cup.

    Third season was awesome. There were 6 teams fighting for the title, and with about 6 games to go, there were only 2 points between all 6 teams. But all of a sudden, I started losing every game, even to teams with much lower ratings.

    This annoying pattern has continued into my forth season. In season 1 and 2, I had the highest valued and rated team. Season 3 I had the second highest rated/valued, and it's the same in the current season (4).

    I'm not buying scouted players, nor am I spending my own cash on bundles of tokens. I am buying good players that the club can afford, and nothing more.

    My current team rating is 37.7, and last night I lost a home game to a team with a rating of 30.4. I always attend games and I usually get the max 15% posseion bonus (even though that seems pointless). All my players were better, and their formation and player positions were all over the place. No manager in sight, possibly an abandoned team?

    I completely understand that you will lose games, no matter how good your team is, but this is every game now, and unfortunately it's making me lose interest in this game that I've fell in love with.

    Anyone else had issues like this?

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Can you upload a pic of the stats of your team? this page with the goals, assiatsnces, 5 last ratings... of all team?
    That will help.
    Probably my suggestion will be sell some players, despite quality and value.
    I'm very practic with that LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    The Netherlands
    I had the same after I bought one player for central midfield.
    I lost one wing for this guy.
    After a few matches I managed to get an other winger. Now it's getting better.
    My lesson: a little change (player or possition) can disturb the whole team.
    Did you had little changes?
    Like Khris said, make some new changes (sell guys)
    Last edited by jojet; 06-10-2015 at 10:21 AM.
    Do what you're saying, then you aren't lying

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Sorry I don't know how to do a screen shot on my phone.

    Got thumped 0-3 at home a minute ago buy a team with a worse rating than me, again. No manager in sight, and I had +15% possession bonus. All players fit and happy.

    Losing the will over here!lol

  5. #5
    Apprentice mmunger's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    What formation do you use? Show us a pic.

    Also, show us a screenshot of your player stats so we can see goals, assists, forms. Also, a screenshot of your lineup to see quality might be helpful.

    As a manager, you eventually have to find out who performs well at what position and what to do about it.

    Do not take quality and stars for granted as the only indicators. One of my best performers is a striker... at the bottom of my squad in terms of quality, but he scores goals and provides assists.

    Show us what you got!
    Team showcase: Red Stars Munich