This is a test for my friend Amane, who is insisting that with Captainship we can manipulate/influence our team.
Personally, I don't believe it (99%) but as Fox Mulder saying in X-Files, I want to believe.
Amane is presenting more theories about captain but non example, so I 'm offering my second team (which I have anyway for experiments) to follow his theories.
This is Artemis FC (it's a Greek female name, the ancient Goddess of forest and hunting, Diana later for the Romans).
The team
The target : After loosing last two seasons the opportunity to won the treble (lv2 I lost in Cups semi/won CH.L., lv3 won the Cup/lost in CH.L. final), I decided to stay in the same lv, improve my young trainers, won the next league and go for the tremble in lv5 (using underleveling method). After that, I 'm thinking to take over a new team lv1.
Meanwhile this season, I 'll try to go with the first team (the high Q players) , to win CH.L.
In my league, it's not so easy not to qualify because there are some crap teams and I try to avoid too many "illegal formations" and players oop with the fear of injuries (mine or oppo) or cards.
So, sometimes, if I don't watch (to switch my GK with some player), there are some unsatisfied results like this.
I tried this trick with a "bad" captain but it didn't work. Also I tried with that player, my GK, to "deactivate" my corners, setting him as the kicker but he still has some success to that
Also, beside that, I want to improve the performance of a fast trainer MC I bought this season
So, my friend Amane, I 'm listening your suggestions about how to use the captain's position