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Thread: Watching Videos For Cash / Rests Etc

  1. #1
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Watching Videos For Cash / Rests Etc

    Last couple of days I've noticed that I'm not gaining rests or cash etc (or any boosters) for watching videos through my iPhone or iPad. The videos play out ok but I'm not gaining anything for watching them.
    Anyone else had this and know a remedy ?

    FC Loella. Server 121. Level 17
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i have the same problem with tokens, i watch videos but i don't earn any.

  3. #3
    Famous kynan's Avatar
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    I've found it to be quite profitable this season to watch for cash. I've generated over 1.7B from watching via facebook, iphone and ipad. However in the past 24/48 hours it does seem that there are only a few offers and a couple are not working. I find switching from one device to another when the offer doesn't work often sorts the problem out. I'm just under 4B total cash at the moment, so that is serving me very well.

    Farming for Tokens is more of a pain at the moment. There was a 30 second vid doing the offer via Matomy from 1AM in the morning for around an hour or so that we could re-watch but that stopped over the weekend and was replaced by a 7 and a half min vid instead. Took ages to earn one token as a result. I note that last night even that one had been removed so it wasn't actually possible to watch any video for tokens at all.

    A current Pepsi one at just under 2mins is unlocked on Matomy but it is yet to be seen how long that is going to be working for. I've just broken 13,900 tokens so am not really that bothered any more to try work out all the issues with token farming. If the offer isn't working straight away and is easy to set up I give it a miss now as I simply am not in need of tokens.

  4. #4
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Wish I could farm tokens so easily. Are you in the UK as it's rubbish trying here ? Might have to grab the wife's android phone see if that makes a difference.

    FC Loella. Server 121. Level 17
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    13.900? nice, i live in the uk but i never saw any offers for cash on facebook, on my android device i can watch a couple of videos for cash but i recieve only 1 m, how can you earn such a big amount of cash?

  6. #6
    Famous kynan's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm in Halifax UK.

    The only one that currently works is the Matomy one, but you have to go on Topelevens website, then find the "watch video to earn token" thing under Matomy then EMAIL the link to your phone/ipad.

    Once you have done that you open the email and watch the video via your phone/ipad. Once the video has completed you close that page down, then open the email and press the link again (or if you can get the link page displaying just re press from there)

    Most of the time its a "content not available" notice or "no offers available" screen that greets you, but at certain times of the day the offers work. Its a case of working out when those offers start working. For the past few months its started around 1AM and lasted for around an hour/2 hours each morning before going to not available.

    If you get a 30 second video on repeat you can easily earn 30/40 tokens a night (If you earn 50 within a 24 hour period it does stop crediting you). There was a 30 second video on repeat for ages, but last week it was switched with one that lasted 7 mins, so it meant you could only farm an extra 5/6 tokens a night as a result. Last night there was no offers from 1AM so it wasn't possible to farm any, although I found that today from 1PM its allowing me to watch a Pepsi add that lasts 2 mins for tokens. Got work later so can't spend a lot of time doing this offer, but I've earned around 15 tokens in the past hour or so off it.

    Occasionally you get locked out for "suspicious activity" or some like, but it then unlocks a few hours later so you are able to re-start the farming again.

    Due to my large numbers of tokens I don't often bother farming for tokens as much as I used to. Maybe spend 2/3 nights a week (I work lates so being awake at 1AM-3AM isn't unusual for me) when its working correctly on it, but like last night when it was being temperamental I just don't bother. As I can do it via my phone it leaves my computer free to surf other sites and do other things and I can watch TV at the same time, so free time wise it hardly impacts.

    It has got a lot lot harder in the past year to farm for tokens and I do feel that probably in another year or so it will be non-existent so there is scope to say its worth doing now and saving as many as possible to keep the team going at a later date.

    At the moment I find watching 30 sec vids though out the day/evening for game cash is bringing me better reward. At level 28 I am now starting to see some teams struggle to keep a positive bank balance and are losing players as a result. One of my strongest rivals from the past year has had his team ripped apart due to this. By watching for cash, I am seeing my balance increase all season and can earn more from watching videos every day than I am paying out on wages which means my profit keeps growing which will keep my team going for a long time. Removing the 2.15B block that used to be on this game has meant I am now focusing on that instead of greens.
    Last edited by kynan; 04-30-2015 at 03:02 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Brilliant cheers for that I'll have a look. I'm in UK too (Northallerton).

    FC Loella. Server 121. Level 17
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