As an experienced manager, I believe you know the prize is more unreasonable in high level league. This prize may at least help a low level team to survive.
As you have so many cash, I also believe you actually don't care about the league prize.
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
lucky i have over 4 billion in the bank as with sponsorship and league prize i`l still be 20million down with away games and with home games i`l probably break even and with one game a day i`l end up down 230million, so looks like i`l be playing a few friendlies just too break even
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
What is the league level?
I don't have a record of league with similar prizes. As far as I know, competition prizes and sponsorship from about league level 10 or above are close. As I remember, the competition prize for low level is more meaningful.
The League prizes plateau around levels 11 or thereabouts. They are actually pretty bad at starting levels too. They are only really of much relevance around levels 7-10 imo.
They seem to reflect TM costs more than anything else - out of touch with real costs at most levels.![]()
At my level (21) winning the league gives you enough money to buy one 5 star player. Another way Nordeus makes people buy tokens
Is this really sufficient to buy a 5* player? My team at level 22 find all 5* players with prize over 100M while the league prize is more and less the same in different seasons (around 90M for different levels).
Oh, I know now. You include the prize per match of the whole season. Then total prize may be enough for bidding war of one 5* player.
Playing friendlies is the way forward.
From around level 25 onwards I have not used training at all, simply because it makes more sense to play a few friendlies instead as you get game money and packs (although you have to run the risk of getting injuries in the game).
I'm posting a financial profit every day due to sometimes playing 4/5 friendlies and from watching videos for cash. If it wasn't for these two options I would be bankrupt by now.
If I am drawn away in the league/cup I need to play 3 friendlies to generate enough money to cover that days wages. Through sponsorship, merchandise sales and ticket sales I am able just to cover the wages. That says to me its an issue. Even if I have a home league/cup game I am struggling to break even without playing a friendly.
It needs to be sorted soon in my opinion. I am making money by watching videos for game cash, but those are temperamental and are not going to be around for ever. Once those offers go then its going to get very hard to keep growing cash which will mean eventually it will go into a negative balance.
spot on kynan, im lvl 29 and have 69 mill , a 14 man squad even to compete costs 21m a day less 1.79 mill per game and about 8 m for the cl games, in about 7 days its buy tokens for real cash or lose a player, replaced by a 1* 34 year old, the greed has run riot again, thats why theres so many crap teams on the higher lvls, everybody gives up