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upgrading your grass, having a condition over 80%, not using high intensity training, bla bla bla...these are bunch of lies by moneydeus..I can't believe you guys actually fall for all these speculations..Don't you understand they have to blame their money scheme on something? I feel sorry for people who are actually paying real money for this stupidly managed game, only to get ripped off more..I ended up having players left with a condition of 1% in matches a lot of times in my early stage, trained players with high intensity when their condition was below 20% and didn't get injured..And i had times where i had a player with 100% condition and morale get a broken leg..Ops i forgot, it's just like real football right?
Do you think the reason players on your team get injured is just to imitate the "real" time soccer? Of course not..They want your players to be injured so you can buy tokens to buy health packs to heal your players, so that they can get injured again and you buy again...Moneydeus has absolutely no credibility or what so ever.. Having a player with a broken leg while stretching? No need to say more, it explains everything..Probably stretching on a mountain..
Thought about buying tokens at some point, but after realizing this legal scam, i chose not to. I don't like people who try to put their hands in my pockets..