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Thread: my free kick specialists

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thanks all for your opinions.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Grizzle View Post
    If you have a good scorer at an attacking position who has offensive skills that are 5 or more better than those 3 then I would try that player instead. The SA is not a be all end all and lacking it doesn't mean you can't be productive at it.

    If you have a choice you would want your FK specialist to be an attacking player. A CB is pretty much a waste IMO as you don't want to dedicate much to their offensive skills.

    Skill alone is never enough either. It is all about form and success on the pitch. Just like in reality you will have players who are talented on paper but are crap in games. You will have seemingly lesser talents who get consistent 7-8-9 ratings as well. Your ultimate goal is to get a combination of both at as many positions as possible.

    My FK specialist is a CM. I have a ST who is also a FK specialist but I gave it to the CM since he is also very good and it will allow him to get more offensive stats than would otherwise be possible. It helped me have six 20+ goal scorers last season. It also helps that he is either footed so equally deadly at all FK's.

    Without seeing your whole roster I can't give you complete advice. Best case is you have a very good ST who is either footed to try there. Or at least a good striker with high offensive skills and good form. AM's are good as well.
    It's hard to bring the whole team for discussion. My team performs unexpectedly well in this season with 6 points leads in a league with opponents with similar qualities. It also leads the league in scoring. But it is strange that there is no outstanding scorer in this team.

    Among my 4 strikers, there are 1, 1 and 2 using either, left and right foot respectively. My most trusted striker is low 5 star and use both feet. But most of his match ratings are just 7. He also seems not good at free kicks. The striker with best rating is higher than 4 star and right foot. His average ratings is close to 8 but he has more assists than goals in this season. I think I will use this player more from now on and try to use him as free kicker.

    I have not yet identified the most reliable free kicker in this season. That's why I am still considering those FK specialists. My FK specialists are either slow or average trainers. If they cannot break into the list of FK specialist, they will unlikely break into it in subsequent seasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by BridgeGoth View Post
    FK ability I find rather useless on a defensive player.
    I much prefer it on a striker, or an AM if I use them. I could live with it on a midfielder, I however have never had to worry about it since the best 2 players I've ever had were strikers which came with FK ability. Both of them scored an insane amount of goals.
    The first player "Die" was a pretty good free kicker two season ago. So I used him on this and assigned him some attacking skills up to a point that all 3 types of attributes are close. In last season, he gradually lowered down in the list of my free kickers and I assign him defensive skills. Now in season 3, as 4 star player, he become my best pure defender.

    I think that even if the FK specialist is a defender, he should give a chance to try. If he's good, I will assign some attracting skills to support him. I am never sure how to manipulate skill development to shape the player into a good one.

    In general, I usually avoid to involve in bidding wars for players with SA. So I don't choose positions for FK specialists. All my players with SA are acquired with at most 3 tokens.
    Last edited by cookizzz; 05-16-2015 at 07:22 AM.
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  2. #12
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    Oct 2013
    Sorry , it was late when i wrote my last comments , i didn't see that the uruguayan one was a DC , in my mind it was a MC lol
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaizer Franz View Post
    Sorry , it was late when i wrote my last comments , i didn't see that the uruguayan one was a DC , in my mind it was a MC lol
    Sorry too that honestly I did not understand your last message and then forget it.

    Yes, I agree. The attributes of this DC is best fit for role as MC. His attacking skills are close to most of my MC and even ST.
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  4. #14
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    The decision has to be on performance. But ofc you need to decide which ones to test - look for guys who score or assist or shoot or cross already and give them a try.

    I tend to favour MCs and Strikers for who I test but couple of seasons ago I ended up trying an either footed AML/ML Shadow Striker and he performed best.

    This was an either-footed DC FK specialist - he was a starting team player from creation so they are sometimes 'unusually exceptional'. But now I remember, he didn't play that long to suffer Attacking lag.

    My favourite Buffs' FK expert was a right footed MC with FK sa - a Scout Market purchase.

    Can't find any good stats on him but he finished Season 3 as top scorer and season 4 as top Assist, 2nd as goalscorer.

    I know its not FK SA but I currently have been testing CKers. I have a left footed MC No SA (105Q Crossing) and a rightie MC (105Q crossing) who I gave CK SA to. The rightie's performance in general has fallen since he got the SA and he has had only 2 assists to boot, compared with my leftie no SA guy who has had 14 assists.

    PS. The rightie wasn't actually much good at CKs before the SA but I wanted the test and I was prepared to waste the sp to do so.
    PPS. Whether being given responsibility for something he's not good at has affected performance (or whether his performance slump was coming anyway and affected CKs) I'm not sure - so I'll be removing him from CK duties for the rest of the season. If he starts performing better I might give him more CKs.
    Last edited by Buffs Mad; 05-16-2015 at 01:00 PM. Reason: added pps
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  5. #15
    Apprentice David Grizzle's Avatar
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    I got a bit lucky I guess. My first season I used a scout who did pretty well on CK considering.

    Since then it has been my LW/LAM who is a CK specialist nordgen FT. He has over 100 career assists in 3 1/2 seasons so far. One season he had 36. He slumped last season a bit but he is back to being my leading assist man.

    As for FK it is now my CM who is still the only player I have ever had at the position that has been in good form consistently. A TON of busts at CM for some reason. Glad I found him and dread the day he gets too old to keep him at 7* without breaking the bank.
    Buffs Mad and cookizzz like this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I know im at low level (4) but my dedicated FK has doing the job well. He saved my ass today from a burn from a 2star avg team, 2 FKs=2 goals he is doin above 80%

    my free kick specialists-baalmc.jpg

    edit: hey "császár" is a hungarian name! császár means "emperor" in my lang. (french, right! defector son of a b.)
    Last edited by Gabez Teh; 05-17-2015 at 10:33 AM.
    Gert Funck, Buffs Mad and cookizzz like this.

  7. #17
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    Just on skills in general, i have a corner specialist but he often delivers weak corners into the box. I checked his crossing stats and they're one of the strongest in my team, so i can't work out why he's poor at them. He's an MC a decent performer and gets some assists, so i've moved him to corners from the right only (inswingers), and getting someone else to take them on the left hand side. Will see if this makes any difference!
    Buffs Mad and cookizzz like this.
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  8. #18
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    My main FK taker (Chikin) has been very good to the point that a couple of matches have been won solely on his freekick.

    Just signed another ST who also has the FK Taker SA so will see how he does as he is weaker than Chikin.
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Free kick, corner and penalty taker in my main team... He doesn't have any of these SA, and still scoring goals and assisting... I bought him 5 seasons ago and he was playing poorly in his previous team, but was training fast...

    my free kick specialists-17.jpg
    my free kick specialists-18.jpg
    my free kick specialists-19.png
    Gert Funck, Buffs Mad and cookizzz like this.

  10. #20
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    My no SA CK taker (left only) now has 17 assists.

    He's been taking FKs from left in last 3 games and scored 3 (2 from FKs).

    The CK specialist I removed from CK list (from the right) has seen a slight form improvement. The new Rightie CK'er (no SA) has had same number of assists (2) in last 3 games as the specialist had in over 12. Keep it up son!
    cookizzz likes this.

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