I have played this game foe a while now and think I know the ins and outs of it.
I am towards the end of level 2 the game play itself is enjoyable but the auctions are a joke at times.
First I lost a total of 10 tokens in two separate auctions in the dead zone at the quiet time of the server 4am/5am local time. ( 3 and 7 tokens respectively - I am aware 5 is the notional limit)
It was extremely annoying.
I then managed to farm 10 tokens and found the perfect player I was looking for aged 30 cheap and verging on a 6 star. I had the guy tracked from way back.
I was all set to bid about 20secs in and the connection error appeared on the phone! (this happens frequently and nordus seem to fudge it - surely they could better with the 62m turnover they get a year)
Next player I saw was a midfielder again 5/6 star would have to wait one hour,
I was confident with my 10 tokens...
I looked at the squads of the other two they were obviously T35 players then. Other guys appeared and one completely bulldozed me with tokens (the two token tactic to avoid a 2sec bid), I got sucked into a bidding war.
So that is a grand total of 20 tokens wasted on nothing (not to mention lack of sleep 5am etc).
I know people say not to buy the 4star youth player for 15 tokens. But I think it is worth it especially at a lower level and your sanity.
Which brings me to the point can the game be played by avoiding the auction completely after your squad is set up for a few years to come - for example average age 24.3. Then save the 35t spend no tokens the next two years and purchase players by the negotiations or buying a scout player.
Has anyone tried this strategy and avoided the madness of the auction? I am only level 2 and already seems like the wild west
I have watched Southparks "Freeium is not Free" about in app purchases and games online. I refuse to buy tokens on principle!