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Thread: U21&Youth - Not getting players

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    U21&Youth - Not getting players

    I'm about to finish my 3rd season and my academy is at level 3 and been so for quite a while now.

    I would have thought I would have received some Academy players now but as yet I've not received any.

    In reading posts about academy players I'm not so excited as it seems good ones cost more tokens than a 5* player at auction which doesn't make so much sense to me?

    Am I missing something with regards to my academy?


  2. #2
    Famous tongly45's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Youth academy level 1 will need 28 days to product 2 player . Each update shorter 2 days. You can check the next day youngster come in your team by clicking the building section and click to academy.
    in this time of waiting if you update your young academy. the day count will reset from the beginning (28 for level 1, 26 for level 3 ....)
    You have to wait for your player before update YA
    Cat Harrison likes this.
    Palaiseau FC in Sever 46
    season 28, level 28

    competition Played 1st 2nd top4 last win current season(*)
    League 28 19 6 2 season 27 .....
    Champions league 26 7 1 6 season 25 ........
    Cup 26 2 2 3 season 7 .......
    (*) updated at 1-June-2015

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Aside from signing the 2 star players and selling him for some extra cash, the academy is totally useless.
    You are correct, you'll get a 3/4 star player for more than a 5 star player. So don't waste your tokens on that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I don't recommend signing the 3 or 4 star academy player, unless you have huge stock of tokens, or you lack cash as your level goes up.

    However, please note that many of these academy players are fast trainers that you may not easily identify and successfully buy in market.

  5. #5
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    the 0 token player is very slow trainer, only use is to sell. The token academy player is a waste of tokens, buy an expensive auction player instead
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Academy player is good for subs on the first two years. Even a 1* rarely gets a form below 7. In fact, I rely heavily on them as reserved for important games, and have quite a number of cases where they took the MoM with a rating of 9 or 8, despite being the lowest quality player on the field.

    If you keep free youth for at least 2 years, they can also lower your average quality which is an advantage in league and cup draws.
    If you train them with the intention to sell them through negotiation, the free youth could also be sold for tokens, which is best done during age 18~20 when they are younger than scouts. You will find no problem selling them for at least 1~2 tokens each if you managed to have them listed in negotiation with a special ability.

    The token costing youth is always a fast trainer, but it is only worth it to sign early in the season. Late comers are more expansive in tokens and you got less time to train or get him into play before he ages.
    Main advantage of the token youth is that he cost no money to sign.
    Cat Harrison likes this.

  7. #7
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The price of the token academy player is random from 15-24 tokens. This means you can get one for 24 tokens the first day of season as well as last, the same is the case for the other prices. They are always two stars bellow level, and are not rentable to bring to same level as your team. In comparison you can buy a 18 yeared 5* player on auction for a few tokens, he is just as fast a trainer, and can perform equal as well
    Last edited by Gert Funck; 05-28-2015 at 06:07 PM.
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -