I find it hard to believe that it is just coincidence that out of my 5 accounts, the 2 with the most red packs have had the most injuries in the past 3 seasons.
I find it hard to believe that it is just coincidence that out of my 5 accounts, the 2 with the most red packs have had the most injuries in the past 3 seasons.
I don't farm reds as much, because I find it odd that injuries rains as reds comes in
my approach: I farm reds when injuries has come, sad but true
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
Like Gert, I noticed that when I started farming for reds/greens I was getting injuries all the time - an obscene amount of an increase too, not just the odd one or two extra injuries.
Since reverting to farming for cash packs my amount of injuries have fallen down again.
The amount of injuries in this game are way OTT. Everything you do involving using the players runs the risk of injury. In a whole season you would often never see more than 1/2 injuries in training in the real world - even though players train EVERY DAY for hours. In T11, light stretching sees your star player with a broken leg FFS!