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Thread: Is TE unfair??

  1. #21
    Dreamer FVS0777's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I think you might be doing something wrong with your team, I believe that the amount of tokens you spend give u a bit of extra confidence to play more risk formations and orders and I can say that the game won't work the way you wish, I'm playing about a year this game and I am addicted to it as many others here, I don't buy tokens as I can't afford but I'm a farmer didn't win as much titles as I wish but I know my limitations so, I used to buy scouts as well when I could and some worked well and last even 3 seasons but some wouldn't work with my team until I realised I had to sell it and move on, I am learning every day about this game and if its fair or not but sure is good and it will never make everyone happy.

    Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk

  2. #22
    Newbie zxak4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    i give up top eleven which very nonsense game.

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