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Thread: Why is my team on 3rd place? Any explanation?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    Please give scores of the matches between the three teams concerned so we can explain. The placings on the table are determined by head-to-head results, and then goal difference if h-t-h is the same.

    EDIT: Nikolgiorgos beat me to the link for the official line, if you're still confused come back to us...
    i don't think that is true... i'm in 2nd in CL the guy in first i tied with twice and his GD is +7 mine is +12

  2. #12
    Rookie Blok 45's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by muskrat View Post
    i don't think that is true... i'm in 2nd in CL the guy in first i tied with twice and his GD is +7 mine is +12
    Champions League rankings - Top Eleven be a Football Manager

    The winner of each stage and the position of each team in the rankings is determined by the following:

    1. Higher number of points obtained in the group matches played among the teams in question;
    You have the same points , so we're going to the next:

    2. Higher goal difference from the group matches played among the teams in question;
    Since you had two ties the goal difference is 0 , so we're going to the next:

    3. Higher number of goals scored in the group matches played among the teams in question;
    Since you had two ties you scored the same number of goals , so we're going to the next:

    4. Higher number of goals scored away from home in the group matches played among the teams in question;
    Maybe here is the answer for you. Did he score more away goals in these two matches between the two of you?
    Last edited by Blok 45; 08-07-2015 at 07:50 PM.

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