Balkan Boyz - Matchday 7 (Sz.3 - lvl3)
Opponent: Lukissandi (Italy)
Result: 0 - 3 (Away win)
Scorers: Z.Ibrahimović (21min,90min) and L.Modrić (74min)
Man of the match: Z.Ibrahimović
1th eleven squad: A.Begović, S.Hajrović, S.Kolašinac, S. Bečirević (C), A.Otyrov, M.Pjanić, A.Halilović, A.Kovačević, X.Shaqiri, L.Modrić and Z.Ibrahimović
Summary: In the 5th round we faced a quit attacking Italian team playing with a 4-3-3 formation, so we countered it with a 4-5-1 (flat) formation, with normal mentality and counterattacks. Zlatan Ibrahimović and Luka Modrić scored twice resp. once and Zlatan was honoured as the "man-of-the-match". This win was our 5th in a row and we are currently topping the league table with 15p (5-0-0 and with a goal difference of 27 - 2) which is our best stats so far. Tomorrow we will be facing a Chilean team and I hope we will win this one as well.
Opponent: FC KULA (Bosnia)
Result: 2 - 1 (Away defeat)
Scorers: D. Stanković (41min), B.Hodge (72min and 78min)
Man of the match: J. Rivas
1th eleven squad: A.Begović, S.Hajrović, N. Tomović, S. Bečirević (C), A.Otyrov, M.Pjanić, D.Stanković, L.Modrić, A.Ljajić, M.Özil and Z.Ibrahimović
Summary: In the 3rd round of the CL play we faced our biggest rival and probably our biggest challenger for the CL Trophy this season, FC Kula. Now as many of you maybe know, FC Kula was also the team from which we "snitched" the league trophy last season after we defeated him and overtook the lead in the 25th round. Besides that, FC Kula is also playing in the same league this season as well, so there is a lot of rivalry between us.
But back to the game now. We started with a quite attacking 4-3-2-1 formation against his quit defensive 4-1-4-1 formation, something that seemed to pay off in the 41min when Dejan Stanković completely outrunned his midfielders and defenders and scored the lead goal before the halfbreak. In the second half, he made some tactical changes and a couple of people joined as "support" which gave him some x-tra possesion which seemed to be the "turn-over" in this game. He started to play more rough and was probably going on counterattacks and the stats was just all in his favour. We decided therefor to make a sub in the defence because Nenad Tomović seemed to drop in condition pretty quick which was strange becase his condition before the game was 99%. Anyway, he reached a equalizer in the 75min and five minutes later he overtook the lead which was quite funny but yet not surprisingly. So the last then minutes, I tryed to make a last push by pulling my whole midfield and his side of the pitch but his defense seemed to stand quit steadily and we faced a ineluctable defeat.
Note: Todays games where scheduled with a 30 min gap, but I was able to "boost" all my players before the last game, but it seemed not to make an impact because they were losing condition quickly as hell. So that leaves me to think that "boosting" and making them fit between the games doesnt make any big difference, because the outcome doesnt make up. Anyway, I hope that there will be a good ST on the transfermarkt soon (or on my scoutlist) because playing with one ST (Ibrahimović) on the top (with two AMCs) seems to taking the edge off. 