it sucks for some but for the most no and is giving them the chance to win this trophy :) something what they couldn't have before.
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Non-Token buyers that are low level that play in old servers are the only winners here. I would be winning more cups under the old format now because I would have the strongest team with only erster FC Puma would of been any real threat if he plays more seriously.
that's right
if i bought all scout team (LvL 4) and a lvl 6 with the same power as i'm at the beginning of the cup bought a normal 4 or 5 star player
he will win the cup for sure even , if i'm a token buyer and he is not
and the same will happen the next season
so now ... what the idea of buying tokens and buy scout players if i'm gonna get punished for it by facing a higher lvl with more advantage
and the money is way down than before .... really ??? ... y'v got to be kidding me...
R U making the system better or worth ???
rofl someone is mad he cant pay to win anymore
it's not my problem that u won't buy token
i'm paying for something
i expect to get what i'm paying for
hmmmm, token buyers have their chance to complain now. How quaint. I am a rare token buyer and do not want to spend big bucks on this game, but it is nice to see token buyers getting pwned for a change. Like I said by the sword, die by the sword.
Fact is, the frustration from losing will translate into both more tokens spent and more abandoned teams. nordeus wins. you cant stop that.
Although i said earlier i dont mind this cup as i have a better chance of winning it.....
My mate on the other hand is spitting bullets....
This is what the new cup system does to ya
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