Yes. But some of us token buyers here are NOT stupid.
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its about time to buy some 3* and cheat the system now
Too Deadly, I am about to go out and get a bunch of 1* players from my friend's team to cheat the system. Then I hope I get group-ed with you in the Cup after I boost my level and give you the thrashing of your life.
Hope you'll enjoy that, you little git.
the cup should be: all of the same level!..else who is superior is an advantage.
auction buy 5 star players and for those with 1 or 2 lower levels are 4-3 stars
how any one here can't see the problem with this cup ???
lets say u r lvl 4 and ur team quality is 35
and in the same cup lvl 7 team quality is 35
any way because u r lvl 4 max player quality u can buy is 6* and it's a scout = 50 Tokens
and the lvl 7 team can buy a 5 players 5* form the Auction market = 10 Tokens each = 50 Tokens
u both spent 50 Tokens
u got 1 player 6* and he got 5 players that are 8* to u
now ur team is 35.4 and his tame is 40 and surly he will beat u with a heavy score
that actually happened in my cup
the cup system is not just bad for token buyers only
it's bad for all
This is all it takes, one of the highest level players in the cup to buy a load of new players for their squad and they will wipe everyone else out, a L5 token buyer cannot compete with a L8 non-token buyer since they are getting better players for far less tokens.
then in my case is better that i start in old cup :
A player lv 1~3 and i beat him hardly , i meet a player lv 4~5 and i beat him hardly and then i meet a player lvl 123124354334 and beat me without having a chance !
So where is your logical since you complain the new system and the old one don`t even give the chance to win if you are not the top lvl and team
i had the luck to get in old style cup in the first 16 where i always got f***** by a team much higher lvl then me (even if it was abandoned)
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Just use your brain and think more then you did before !