Yes most likely, so to build a 9* full squad then it will cost you OVER 9000 tokens.
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I have created a poll on what people think the cup format should be.
I never never bought a token in my life and that's how I plan to keep it
Good luck with that. I was exactly the same and this is my 2nd full season. I have probably spent $40 on tokens, but I am very picky and like to think that it was worth it.
Now, thinking outside of this game for a moment...If I spend $40 on beer, wine, movies, food or whatever else I choose to categorize as entertainment, then thats my choice. This game is classified as entertainment for the most part. I had to think about this and realize that I just have to stop another form of entertainment to justify playing this.
Now, I cant justify spending $500 on this in a month, but over the course of the year, I hope that it never gets that high. I am not a sheik monsour or whatever and dont have money to throw around, but I can take the odd $$$ here or there and make my team a bit stronger.
It all comes down to what you want to spend on your entertainment budget. It seems many people want to spend their money on a fantasy game that does not give back anything except entertainment value. Some people would buy lottery tickets as they would prefer to see a return, no matter how much the odds are stacked against them.
All that to say, instead of going out with the guys for an evening, save the bucks and buy a scout. Odds are you will be happy with the result......unless you are in the cup against players 3-6 times your level. If thats the case, go get pi$$ed drunk and tap the wife.
They couldnt win before thats why they were keep playing the game until they reach the level that they could, if someone earns some trophies might get bored with all the same and same repetition of seasons and without playing with his friends, as it is now, why to try more than once when with all that teams quality simillarity together with the way game engine works will be like throwing dice to whom the cup will go
I went from being the strongest team in my cup last season (winning it for the first time), to being put in with a load of token buyers this season. EVERY token buying team i have come across (and lost to) over the last 4 seasons are ALL in my cup this year making me one of the weakest teams just because i don't pay £100 a season on tokens like some teams clearly have. I mean COME ON !!! a level 4 team with a 93,000 seater stadium??? how many tokens did that cost you?? Oh well concentrate on the league, knowing my luck i'll get more token buyers in that too.
Attachment 3322Attachment 3323
better results with a deserted weaker team
someone please remind me why we bother anymore? lucky me this happened at the begging of the season now I can ****in lay point in playing this season or spending tokens
Top Eleven - the **** master:mad:
There is this thing called Financial Fair Play being introduced, you may have heard of it, which limits unlimited injections of money into clubs from owners. This is nordeus way of FFP for the game
People are sick of rich kids spending their parents' money while having zero clue about tactics required to win in this game, while others want to have a bit of fun and knowledgeable about tactics, while having to actually buy their own food and pay rent.
Rapyer do you contribute anything to this game or are snide remarks and complaints about people helping others your only fortei?