Why didn't they keep the old cup competition and introduce this a NEW competition? Then we would have more competitive fixtures every season? Then we get to see the players we bought a lot more?
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Why didn't they keep the old cup competition and introduce this a NEW competition? Then we would have more competitive fixtures every season? Then we get to see the players we bought a lot more?
i contribute within my means. also i do not see anyone helping anybody but themselves here, all i see is complaints that they cannot pay to win anymore and now must actually use their heads to defeat others.
I understand many people can be upset but I've just knocked off (is it right in english?) a 5th level from the cup, so I'm quite happy and proud :rolleyes:
No it's because he has several times refused to help others out and complain when others "Adel and July Fourth for example" give their insight in matters.
That remark was not about this whole issue but his elitist attitude in other threads.
I'm level 7 so I'm quite used to being beaten in the cup early on so that's not the problem.
Guess what? I've won many trophies before without buying any tokens before, so I don't need to prove myself there either.
I bought tokens to power train and enjoy myself a lot more with some very talented players in my squad and I like to watch them play well.
Mmh, the upper level players bring in their new signed scouts in now - as expected. So FCK will play as an underdog and try to supervive.
Sounds like the new format is a more accurate test of skill and ability rather than the size of your wallet.....boo who to the big spenders....in life not everything is for sale so stop crying that you cant buy success in one small area, hopefully it will build you some character you bunch of sooks ;)