Hey guys!
I want make this post short coz i am a sentimental type guy
After two trebles (last season was the second) i am leaving the field of battles after 8 seasons (quit on third day of 9)
Reasons short:
- Near somewhere former fellow friend and manager Tactician's theories ... he was reasoning quite well in this topic/posts >>Here<<
- coz i am a super enthusiastic type of a guy too it took too much time from my time
I had a lot of early wake ups for nordgens even if i was on my holiday/ resting time in work (im doin 24h shiftz) etc.
-and you should end your carrier at your peak pointor something like that (don't know the exact saying)
MANY-MANY thanks to CAT, Nik, Gert and everyone who helped me!
It was a (short) blast and i enjoyed the game and the forum itself
GOOD LUCK TO YOU guys in the future!
Gabez out.