OK, lets get one thing straight: I hate to admit it but I like this new version for a few reasons.
1) Training. I like it. I really like it. Its like a game within a game and the training actually makes sense now.
2) the look. You cannot say that it does not look better. It actually does not look like a cheapass DOS game anymore.
3) Gifting is much easier now. end of.
4) everything is a bit easier now.
5) it loads much faster when it disconnects and faster overall.
What I dont like about it is the removal of being able to assign skill points, but at the end of the day, this was about being able to tank and assign SP to the categories that I wanted to make a better player. Apparently you can do that with the new training, so this old assigning of skill points argument might be rendered moot. I will take a season to see how this affects my players and results.
Also I can still intentionally lose a game it seems. That is good as I believe I will still be able to tank to save on tokens and packs.
I play with 5 accounts. I had a bitch of a time finding 5 browsers that support Unity so I could have them all open at the same time and not have to deal with passwords and changing accounts etc.
Opera, Firefox, Avant, Vivaldi and Yandex all work. Waterfox does too but you cant have Firefox and Waterfox open at same time.
Apparently MS Edge does support it when you upgrade to Win 10, but I have not yet tried.
I have still not bought or sold any players and cannot comment on the system as it is. I do have to say that I am a bit upset and not being able to see the team of the manager I want to buy a player through negotiations. I used to use that to be able to judge how many tokens to offer and whether or not my offer had a good chance to be accepted. I did not make offers for players where the manager only had one player for a specific position because the odds of getting him were zero to none if you didnt offer 20 tokens. Nordeus needs to add this back to the game.
Overall, I have to grudgingly admit that I like the new version. I went in kicking and screaming and have decided to delay quitting....for at least a season.