The new training is very complicated Main are drills ....suppose I choose a drill which has the attributes tackling in it therefore it must increase the tackling of a player or at least anyone attributes, if the attributes that is included in that drill but many a times while training is over and no attributes are gained by training that particular drill... Why if that attribute is highlighted then it must be gained at least ibe of all but why many-a-times no attributes are gained by that drill WHY???😠😬😠
also what is meant by white and shade of the attributes.....
Like in picture tackling attribute is marked white while heading attribute is shaded (darkened) why....I think that it means player should be trained in heading and tackling is OK to earn a star... So we should train a drill which include hearding attribute right if yes, then why if I train drill containing heading many a time puts no effect on any of attribute included in drill neither heading..... Why So tell me what darken and lighten attributes means
Image with tackling and heading:-![]()