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Thread: How do you lose against 6 men and no Goalkeeper!?

  1. #11
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Grillman View Post
    I played a team that had just 6 men on the field, very low level players, no goalkeeper.

    I set my tactics and I watched the game.

    How do I lose 1-0? How does the opponent keep 80% possession?

    Is there a bug that allows you to have only 20% possession?
    Before the game started computer made a formation for him and you lost because of you, you are using an illegal formations.
    herdo likes this.
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  2. #12
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grillman View Post
    Oh ok, so even though his squad page shows 6 players, the computer will add the players needed onto the field when the match is played?

    And I believe I must have had an illegal formation.

    But still, it is annoying that he didn't manage his team, but I was punished for not knowing about illegal formations-_-

    Is my current formation illegal?

    Yes because you odn't have any player on the right side.
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by hullabaloo View Post
    there are some things you cannot do with your formation, or the game punishes you by giving you only 20% possession. there is a thread about illegal formations... google "illegal formations top eleven" and you should find it.

    anyhow, this seems to be yet another case of the infamous "game engines decide some game outcomes ahead of the game"
    Im pretty sure it decides ALL the game outcomes before "the game is played" i.e before you see it. Even if it does, the game engine would have seen that the other player had only six players on the field (which obviously he didnt, nordeus picked the rest of his team) and he would have won?

    Or do you think they look at the team names, decide a score and then look at the quality, formations n tactics of both teams lol!

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